php Programming Glossary: stale
Facebook PHP SDK Throwing an Uncatchable OAuthException exceptions regarding authenticating a user maybe with old stale sessions whatever . My question is has anyone else experienced..
How to Build a PHP Queue System pipefile if unlink pipefile die 'unable to remove stale file' umask 0 if posix_mkfifo pipefile 0666 die 'unable to create..
When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached? my life much easier and is an easy preventive system for stale data. Whenever you pull something from the cache you can receive..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? auto pulling that one should be good and even if it stays stale for the next 10 years it will be helpful. Some have already..
Advantages / Disadvantages of pconnect option in CodeIgniter mostly idle connections Bugs because connections have gone stale and the app didn't notice But CAN Reduce latency on initial..
How do I completely disable caching in Cakephp? 'Cache Control pre check 0 post check 0 max age 0 max stale 0' false HTTP 1.1 header 'Pragma public' header 'Expires Sat..
Make PHP page return “304 Not Modified” if it hasn't been modified more desirable you are yourself responsible for preventing stale content in the cache possibly using triggers in backend or database..
Best practise for remember me feature [duplicate] this you can make it so that your remember me cookies go stale very quickly. No one likes a stale cookie. You can store the.. remember me cookies go stale very quickly. No one likes a stale cookie. You can store the time stamp of each user's last visit.. any time your user returns to your site all old cookies go stale. A hacker that has intercepted a cookie now has a worthless..
Using memcached as a database buffer for chat messages into the database. The memcached objects are set to go stale after 6 minutes so we never need to keep more than 6 minutes..
PHP session hijack [duplicate] agent string to verify. It's main purpose is preventing stale or intersecting sessions. Again see the manual. share improve..
persisted login with Zend_Session::rememberMe of the session handler being file or db based. Allowing stale sessions to persist beyond a reasonable time frame is a weak.. opt for database session handling and figured piling up stale session cookies on the filesystem had no direct impact on performance... wanted to track if a user came back and re established a stale session you could add a 'updated_at' column to your session..