php Programming Glossary: stack
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? args explode preg_replace s matches 2 get the arguments if stack this nfx matches 3 false return false see if it can be converted.. see if it can be converted to postfix for i 0 i count stack i freeze the state of the non argument variables token stack.. i freeze the state of the non argument variables token stack i if preg_match ' ^ a z w ' token and in_array token args if..
How to convert array to SimpleXML array 'bla' 'blub' 'foo' 'bar' 'another_array' array 'stack' 'overflow' xml new SimpleXMLElement ' root ' array_walk_recursive.. in xml version 1.0 root blub bla blub bar foo bar overflow stack overflow root keys and values are swapped you could fix that..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error mysqli error. query as Exception will provide you with a stack trace which will lead you the the place from which an erroneous..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] than regular errors in many ways they always contains a stack trace they can be caught using try..catch or handled using dedicated..
Caller function in PHP 5? question See debug_backtrace this can trace your call stack all the way to the top Here's how you'd get your caller trace..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects 7 to be exact and most client projects are run on a LAMP stack often on shared hosting no remote SSH . I am looking for solutions..
How do I convert a PDF document to a preview image in PHP? format suitable for web use Our environment is a LAMP stack. php image pdf lamp share improve this question You need..
How to make a calculator in PHP? protected precidence 7 public function operate Stack stack public function getPrecidence return this precidence public.. Number extends TerminalExpression public function operate Stack stack return this value abstract class Operator extends TerminalExpression.. Operator protected precidence 4 public function operate Stack stack return stack pop operate stack stack pop operate stack..
simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural? review good coding practices and 3 access to a site like Stack Overflow when you have questions that cannot be answered by..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? got a 1. Thanks everyone Also thanks to everyone in the Stack community who voted for this question and or marked it as a..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] anonymity and introduces accountability something that Stack Overflow does well is helpful also particularly in order to.. the center letters from censored words and this previous Stack Overflow question that also has a PHP example the main valuable..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] to use the DOM extension has been covered extensively on StackOverflow so if you choose to use it you can be sure most of the.. issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing Stack Overflow. XMLReader The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser...
Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP two strings in PHP I'm thinking along the lines of the Stack Overflow edit history page where new text is in green and removed..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? to use the DOM extension has been covered extensively on StackOverflow so if you choose to use it you can be sure most of the.. issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing Stack Overflow. XMLReader The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser...
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] to use the DOM extension has been covered extensively on StackOverflow so if you choose to use it you can be sure most of the.. issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing Stack Overflow. XMLReader The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser...
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? The main idea is to have links to existing questions on Stack Overflow so it's easier for us to reference them not to copy.. content from the PHP Manual. ¹ Note Since January 2013 Stack Overflow does support special characters . Just surround the.. so only plain ASCII characters a z and A Z are supported. Stack Overflow Posts Understanding Incrementing share improve this..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? to get this straight in my head as much as it is to help Stack Overflow. Create a module All additions and customizations to..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] bad code snippets using the mysql_ family of functions on Stack Overflow. While it is usually best to direct those people towards..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo Comparing PHP's print and echo Stack Overflow has many questions asking about PHP's print and echo..