

php Programming Glossary: square

PHP curly brace syntax for member variable


specify the end of a variable name. For example echo This square is square width 00 centimeters broad. So your case is really.. end of a variable name. For example echo This square is square width 00 centimeters broad. So your case is really a combination..

Escaping column names in PDO statements


double quotes by default it uses yet another syntax namely square brackets. Again you can configure it to support the ANSI syntax.. vs SQL Server vs Others and produce either the backquote square bracket or double quote syntax depending on that. Disallow both..

What does the `[^][]` regex mean?


mean I found it in the following regex ^ R It matches square brackets with their content together with nested square brackets... square brackets with their content together with nested square brackets. php regex share improve this question ^ is a..

Turn Plain Text URLs into Active Links using PHP [closed]


together Matches any single character between the square brackets min max Used to match exact character counts where..

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?


to treat _GET 'select2' as an array of options just add square brackets to the name of the select element like this select..

Why and how do you use anonymous functions in PHP?


arr_even array_filter arr function val return val 2 0 arr_square array_map function val return val val arr Otherwise you would.. return val 2 0 arr_even array_filter arr 'isEven' function square val return val val arr_square array_map 'square' arr share..

Curly braces in string in PHP


echo This is great echo This is great Works echo This square is square width 00 centimeters broad. Works echo This works.. This is great echo This is great Works echo This square is square width 00 centimeters broad. Works echo This works arr 4 3 This..

Convert flat array to the multi-dimentional


'parent_id' 75 'Children' array Update removed square brackets. php arrays multidimensional array nested hierarchical..

UNION syntax in Cakephp


to suit your needs. Often developers try to hammer a square peg into a round hole and wind up doing way too much extra work..

distance calculations in mysql queries


every single row. Using a bounding box is like drawing a square on the map first with the left right top and bottom edges at..

PHP some $_POST values missing but are present in php://input


modifies fields containing the characters space dot open square bracket and others to be compatible with with the deprecated..

PHP Linkify Links In Content


URL. # 3 end delimiter. # Alternative 2 URL delimited by square brackets . # 4 start delimiter. ht f tps a z0 9 ._~ ' # @..

When to use Try Catch blocks


Let's take the examples you list and see how they square with that list. I read someone saying that we should use try..

Calculating image size ratio for resizing


case the size is just one number for both width and height square target size . I'm sure you can modify it to use non square targets... square target size . I'm sure you can modify it to use non square targets. It should also give you an inspiration on what other..

Get PHP to stop replacing '.' characters in $_GET or $_POST arrays?


not just dot chr 32 space chr 46 . dot chr 91 open square bracket chr 128 chr 159 various So it looks like you're stuck..