php Programming Glossary: ssrc
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? options google ice a extmap 1 urn ietf params rtp hdrext ssrc audio level a sendrecv a mid audio a rtcp mux a crypto 1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80.. CN 8000 a rtpmap 126 telephone event 8000 a maxptime 60 a ssrc 1976175890 cname lKYsttecoiyiu5 a ssrc 1976175890 msid 9kTlKaNe1exIs6JgEFYfXlu6E5f4B5R3I2D8.. a maxptime 60 a ssrc 1976175890 cname lKYsttecoiyiu5 a ssrc 1976175890 msid 9kTlKaNe1exIs6JgEFYfXlu6E5f4B5R3I2D8 9kTlKaNe1exIs6JgEFYfXlu6E5f4B5R3I2D8a0..
Regex: Strip HTML attributes except SRC width 50 height 75 p ' echo preg_replace a z a z0 9 ^ ssrc ' ^' ' ^ i ' 1 2 3 ' text p This is a paragraph with an image..