php Programming Glossary: sql_query
Incorrect Integer (2147483647) is inserted into MySQL? different integer than what is stored in the variable. sql_query INSERT INTO users_info steam64 VALUES ' steam64' var_dump steam64.. if the column is int you will get a 0 instead. Try this sql_query INSERT INTO users_info steam64 VALUES ' . steam64 . ' Also before..
Parsing sql query PHP [closed] into an array. I could not figure out the code. Example sql_query SELECT id login pass FROM users WHERE id 3 login faforty ORDER..
Json Menu Structure from MySQL help would be greatly received this was my last attempt sql_query 'SELECT menuHome.titleName FROM menuHome' result.. FROM menuHome' result mysqli query sql_query menu array while row result fetch_assoc menuid row id sql_query2.. menu array while row result fetch_assoc menuid row id sql_query2 'SELECT FROM menu WHERE menu.parentmenu '..
PHP/MYSQL only allowing one vote per member? _SESSION 'MM_Association' region _SESSION 'Region' sql_query mysql_query INSERT INTO awards_2009_votes `id` `member_id` `region`.. 'MM_Association' region _SESSION 'Region' sql_query mysql_query INSERT INTO awards_2009_votes `id` `member_id` `region` `coach`.. improve this question Here's a quick and dirty approach sql_query SELECT FROM awards_2009_votes WHERE member_id ' memberid' sql_result..
How to send html table in email body in php? else output . ' a href http localhost localstage user ' . sql_query 'uid' . ' ' . query 'name' . ' a td td ' output . ' a href http.. 'nid' . ' edit Edit a td td ' query mysql_fetch_array mysql_query SELECT title from node Where type 'groupnode' AND nid ' . row..