php Programming Glossary: smells
Is echoing Javascript code condtionally based on server-side logic considered harmful? JSON via AJAX HTML data attributes Something about it just smells bad bad bad. Thanks everyone. php javascript jquery html ..
Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters to w window hmmkay note reused lateron aq 0 x so.. '0x' smells like hex ff String haha neat ff is String ff ff.fromCharCode..
Get operating system info with PHP explaining the Trident string. http ie11 smells like firefox http BrowserNews res_sniff.htm How..
PHP Opcode Caching/Zend Acceleration and include_once vs. require_once see the performance benefit when using include_once. This smells fishy to both of us but I don't have time to check into our..
How to implement MVC from scratch in PHP? [closed] mvc share improve this question Your question somewhat smells like Not Invented Here Syndrome . In this case my advice would..
Is there a PHP function for swapping the values of two variables? very big loop. However a situation where this is necessary smells a bit wrong to me anyway. If you want to discuss it What do..
Auditing a PHP codebase data structure class diagrams hierarchies A list of code smells in PHP that should raise red flags including usage and coding.. I've never audited code but I can think of a few code smells that should help you on your way. Error Suppression &mdash From.. it has been declared inside the function as global . That smells. Deprecated Features &mdash PHP is rife with functions and features..
PHP global in functions Singletons and Registries you see in frameworks are code smells that should be removed in favor of Dependency Injection. Decouple..
php image file download by code image file download share improve this question This smells like you are getting extra spurious content in your downloaded..