

php Programming Glossary: smell

How do I get a PHP class constructor to call its parent's parent's constructor


to do and I'm attempting to find a means that doesn't smell bad but nonetheless I'm curious if it's possible. EDIT I thought..

Why not “instantiate a new object inside object constructor”?


number of dependent objects being passed in is a code smell that perhaps your class is doing too much and should be broken..

What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key?


because side effects are rightfully considered to be code smell . Though foreach is a language construct and not a function..

PHP Opcode Caching/Zend Acceleration and include_once vs. require_once


see the performance benefit when using include_once. This smells fishy to both of us but I don't have time to check into our.. myself and my colleague has more tolerance for the smell of fish than I do. Has anyone ever run into anything like this..

what means by top of the page in php file


though that using ob_ functions is more than often a code smell. In other words and this is why it is important to do certain..

What is the difference between the | and || or operators?


a function that HAS the be executed. Sounds like a design smell but sometimes rarely it's a clean way to do stuff. The operator.. return false can be useful but as said often it's a design smell. There is a Second use of the and operator though Bitwise Operations..

Would Singleton be a good design pattern for a microblogging site?


of dropping Singleton. Its use is almost always a design smell You are best off avoiding Singletons. share improve this answer..

Auditing a PHP codebase


data structure class diagrams hierarchies A list of code smells in PHP that should raise red flags including usage and coding.. for doing code audits in general. php code review code smell share improve this question I've never audited code but.. I've never audited code but I can think of a few code smells that should help you on your way. Error Suppression &mdash..

PHP $GLOBALS Suggestion


can be a sign of bad design. Excessive globals are a code smell but I'm not getting that from this specific use. As mentioned..

Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases


notes assn etc you get the drill. This feels like a code smell to me. Whenever a customer changes their role i.e. promoted..