php Programming Glossary: sleeping
php truncate string if longer than limit and put some omission at the end..similar to ruby function on string And they found that many people were sleeping better. .truncate 25 omission ... continued I could do it by..
Which is better: mysql_connect or mysql_pconnect connection. This causes excess processes which are just sleeping wasting resources and causing errors when you reach your maximum..
How to IPC between PHP clients and a C Daemon Server? daemon react if the PHP script sends a request while it is sleeping I have read about poll and epoll would this be the correct way..
MySql Proccesslist filled with “Sleep” Entries leading to “To many Connections”? a server can't get a mysql connection even if there are sleeping connection to that same server. All those connections vanish..
PHP: Output data before and after sleep()? curl on the command line. If you want to use this sending sleeping cycle for some status update UI on the client you'd have to..
Are There Any Cron Jobs Alternative? which tries to increase it ™s execution time constantly sleeping and checking for new jobs regularly. But that is sub optimal..
should LOCK_EX on both read & write be atomic? fgets f 4048 flock f LOCK_UN fclose f And while it's sleeping call this f fopen 'test.txt' 'a ' fwrite f 'foobar' fclose f..
Does sleep time count for execution time limit? sleep ini_get 'max_execution_time' 10 Spoiler Under Linux sleeping time is ignored but under Windows it counts as execution time...