

php Programming Glossary: smallint

Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes


00 00 00 00 00' logout_at datetime DEFAULT NULL store_id smallint 5 unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY log_id KEY IDX_VISITOR visitor_id.. bigint 20 unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT store_id smallint 5 unsigned NOT NULL type_id smallint 5 unsigned DEFAULT NULL.. store_id smallint 5 unsigned NOT NULL type_id smallint 5 unsigned DEFAULT NULL visitor_count int 11 NOT NULL DEFAULT..

php & mySQL: Query does not use index in table join


11 NOT NULL `book_title` varchar 50 NOT NULL `book_price` smallint 4 NOT NULL `in_stock` char 1 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `book_id`.. datetime NOT NULL default '0000 00 00 00 00 00' `price` smallint 8 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `sale_id` KEY `book_id` `book_id` KEY..

Print hierachical data in a parent child form unordered list php?


drop table if exists messages create table messages msg_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key msg varchar 255.. primary key msg varchar 255 not null parent_msg_id smallint unsigned null key parent_msg_id engine innodb insert into messages.. delimiter # create procedure message_hier in p_msg_id smallint unsigned begin declare v_done tinyint unsigned default 0 declare..

MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one


drop table if exists forums create table forums forum_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key title varchar 255.. drop table if exists threads create table threads forum_id smallint unsigned not null thread_id int unsigned not null default 0..

Filling Gaps in Dates Returned from Database - pure SQL solution possible?


table datetable thedate datetime primary key isweekday smallint SET @x date '1900 01 01' REPEAT insert into datetable thedate..