

php Programming Glossary: slugs

Bulk rewrite post slugs based on custom field value in Wordpress


rewrite post slugs based on custom field value in Wordpress Basically I have a.. need to do two things 1 Make a script to bulk edit all the slugs for each existing part based on the custom field partno . 2..

best way to escape and create a slug [duplicate]


me not to use it and use urlencode which one is better for slugs and security as i can see in SO it inserts between words http..

Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs)


clean and SEO friendly URL slugs Definition From Wikipedia A slug is the part of a URL which.. or spaces I needed a function to automatically create slugs and keep readable URLs. I created the following function which.. this function Do you know any other functions to create slugs Code php function sluggable str before array ' áâãäåòóôõöøèéêëðçìíîïùúûüñšž'..

Using SEO-friendly links


these SEO friendly URL components are generally called slugs in the user table and do the number append thing when necessary..