php Programming Glossary: slowest
How do I use Microsoft AD and php single sign on web app? Apache2 and php cgi on windows is probably one of the slowest setups you could configure on windows. It's looking like apache..
Url splitting in php implode '.' parts Since explode is consistently the slowest approach there's little point in writing a version that handles..
finding common prefix of array of strings to most iterations which is not necessarily equivalent to slowest to fastest For speed consider the remarks in the code considering..
PHP String concatenation - “$a $b” vs $a . “ ” . $b - performance split up using ' 0.78600907325745 this is always the slowest in the group. PHP 'nough said Using this code with Zend Server..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity Which one is fastest to compute In order from fastest to slowest are law of cosines 5 trig. calls haversine involves sqrt Vicenty..
PHP parse_ini_file() performance? to this blog post English Translation From fastest to slowest Serialized arrays Plain PHP code INI files XML files YAML files..
How do i track the visitor's country and redirect them to appropriate sites? import it into your SQL database of choice. This is the slowest option and has an ugly API. I wouldn't recommend it but its..
PHP MySQL get locations in radius user's location from GPS 3 algorithms is minimal especially at short distances The slowest algorithm the one with the whole bunch of trig functions is..
PHP MySql and geolocation 3 algorithms is minimal especially at short distances The slowest algorithm is of course the one with the trig functions the one..
Php handling vs Apache RewriteRules and RegExp: which one is quicker? before you get to the point where rewrite rules are the slowest part of your system. Your rewrite rule set does seem kind of..