php Programming Glossary: sethttpbody
Sending file from iOS to PHP using POST n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPBody postbody apiConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest.. urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type urlRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest..
Uploading an image from iOS to PHP rn boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPBody body NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest..
arabic text getting stored as “???” postLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length theRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc..
Using NSURLRequest to pass key-value pairs to PHP script with POST requestWithURL url request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setHTTPBody NSData dataWithBytes data length data count NSURLResponse response.. form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ content type request setHTTPBody myRequestData NSURLResponse response NSError err NSData returnData..
post image and other data using mulipart form data in iphone postBody encoding NSASCIIStringEncoding urlRequest setHTTPBody postBody NSLog @ Image data @ NSString alloc initWithData imageData..
Uploading images to Remote Server, iPhone setting the body of the post to the reqeust request setHTTPBody body now lets make the connection to the web NSData returnData..
Sending multipart POST from iOS and reading parameters in PHP $_POST? Add the body to the myMedRequest return myMedRequest setHTTPBody POSTBody return myMedRequest As you see in the beginning I do..
JSON-data from iOS into PHP-script @ http script.php req setHTTPMethod @ POST req setHTTPBody data NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest req returningResponse..
Uploading an image to a server through imagepicker doesnt work (need solution) setting the body of the post to the reqeust request setHTTPBody body NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest.. NSUTF8StringEncoding set request body request setHTTPBody body send the request submit the form and get the response NSData..