php Programming Glossary: setlocale
How do I remove accents from characters in a PHP string? in a URL. I'm using the following code input Fóø Bår setlocale LC_ALL en_US.utf8 output iconv utf 8 ascii TRANSLIT input print.. as suggested in the answer by mercator The call to setlocale is successful it returns 'en_US.utf8' rather than FALSE The..
PHP Date function output in Italian in Italian Trying to output italian dates with date php setlocale LC_ALL 'it_IT' echo date D d M Y row 'eventtime' But it's still.. To format dates in other languages you should use the setlocale and strftime functions instead of date . Regarding anti.veeranna's.. the current script scope. The best way would be oldLocale setlocale LC_TIME 'it_IT' echo strftime a d b Y row 'eventtime' setlocale..
How to sort an array of UTF-8 strings? pfel' 'Ungetüme' 'Apfel' 'Ungetiere' ' sterreich' oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE 0 var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE 'German_Germany.65001'.. ' sterreich' oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE 0 var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE 'German_Germany.65001' usort array 'strcoll' var_dump.. 'German_Germany.65001' usort array 'strcoll' var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE oldLocal var_dump array The output is string 20 German_Germany.65001..
i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle? I am absolutely unwilling to deal with the crappy ways of setlocale and consorts namely the dozens of different locale string variations.. appropriate dictionary and work with _ without touching setlocale or bindtexdomain once. Is this somehow possible using gettext..
Replacing accented characters php to have a locale set to make these conversions work using setlocale . edit just tested it gets most of your diacritics out of the..
strtotime With Different Languages? dependent strings respect the current locale set with setlocale . Examples from site php setlocale LC_TIME C echo strftime A.. current locale set with setlocale . Examples from site php setlocale LC_TIME C echo strftime A setlocale LC_TIME fi_FI echo strftime.. Examples from site php setlocale LC_TIME C echo strftime A setlocale LC_TIME fi_FI echo strftime in Finnish is A setlocale LC_TIME..
Natural sorting algorithm in PHP with support for Unicode? some functions to exactly this. Using a combination of setlocale usort strcoll and the correct UTF 8 locale for your language.. ' gile' ' gile' ' gile' ' gile' 'Agile' 'Test' oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE ' your_RFC1766_language_code .utf8' usort array 'strcoll'.. ' your_RFC1766_language_code .utf8' usort array 'strcoll' setlocale LC_COLLATE oldLocal Please note that it's mandatory to use the..
Changing locale with symfony 2.1 newlang request this getRequest request setLocale newlang referer_url this get 'request' headers get 'referer'..
Set locale in Symfony 2.1 the translation files but setting the locale with request setLocale 'en_US' doesn't seem to work. After some research I found this..
Localized (short) month names using IntlDateFormatter in PHP? public function __construct pattern locale 'en_US' this setLocale locale this setPattern pattern public function setLocale locale.. setLocale locale this setPattern pattern public function setLocale locale this locale locale public function setPattern pattern.. pattern public function localeFormat locale date this setLocale locale return this format date public function format date formatter..
Get translations from .po or .mo file path to' 'de' echo translate _ Example translate setLocale 'de' echo translate _ Example or you can use php gettext module..
Symfony2: help please with backward Uri (REFERRER) during switching locale session request getSession if request hasSession session setLocale locale return this redirect session get 'referrer' index.html.twig.. @param string locale @return array public function setLocaleAction locale @var Symfony Component HttpFoundation Session session.. Session session session this get 'session' session setLocale locale last_route session get 'last_route' array 'name' 'index'..
Symfony2 language selector this question You need to call this get 'session' setLocale locale replace 'session' by 'request' for Symfony 2.1 inside.. unset routeAttrs '_route' Set Locale this get 'session' setLocale locale return new RedirectResponse router generate routeName..