php Programming Glossary: session_set_save_handler
Restrict content access to logged in users with PHP 0 n mysql_close db This works like a charm. Using this and session_set_save_handler I was able to use php sessions backed by mysql to secure both..
How to share session between php app and Java EE app? this question Save your session data to a database with session_set_save_handler . UPDATE Efficiency wise it would be very mininal the difference.. d' time expire return TRUE Declare the functions to use session_set_save_handler array 'Session' 'open' array 'Session' 'close' array 'Session'..
set session in database in php private static lifetime 0 private function __construct session_set_save_handler array this 'open' array this 'close' array this 'read' array..
session_start hangs infinitely on any future script executions. Workaround use session_set_save_handler and make sure the write function uses fopen file 'w' instead..
Session Share Across Multiple Domains On Same Server mysql_query query session_connection Set custom handlers session_set_save_handler open close read write destroy gc Start session session_start..
Creating custom PHP Session handler? Not 'memory' table. Are there any major downsides to using session_set_save_handler I can make it fit my standards for the most part Other than..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking handler. However some custom session handlers using session_set_save_handler do not do this and are open to attack on old session identifiers...
PHP Session Hijacking . To protect against that either use a database through session_set_save_handler or set a custom session directory using session.save_path with..
How to manage a single PHP5 session on multiple apache servers? to use another session handler. You can build your own see session_set_save_handler or use extensions that provide their own session handler like..
Why Session object destruction failed this. That's when the session.save_handler see as well session_set_save_handler returns FALSE for the destroy action. This can depends which..
PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how? solve this situation. There I found the nice function of session_set_save_handler . And coincidentally this topic on SO Neat. Except I'll have.. solution is to use auto_prepend option to insert a call to session_set_save_handler in every script and write my own DB persister perhaps throwing..