

php Programming Glossary: setdata

How to update custom options programatically in magento?


this two arrays for collecte value because i uses inside setData of current option cos array co array product productmodel load..

Header only retrieval in php via curl


url public function __construct url this url url this setData public function setData curl curl_init curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL.. __construct url this url url this setData public function setData curl curl_init curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL this url curl_setopt..

Zend Framework 2 - Hydrator strategy for Doctrine relationship not working


form setBindOnValidate false form bind obj form setData obj getArrayCopy request this getRequest if request isPost form.. request this getRequest if request isPost form setData request getPost if form isValid form bindValues this getEntityManager..

Zend Framework 2 - Removed form element causes validation to fail


Magento order status change events


'The Order State s must not be set manually.' state this setData 'state' state add status history if status if status true ..

Magento - Passing data between a controller and a block


get these in objects that inherit from Varien_Object or setData etc. In the Blocks instantiate the Model again with a Mage getSingleton..

Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest


requestWithURL url Upload a file on disk request setData imageData withFileName filename andContentType @ image jpeg.. more than 2000x2000 so reduce it and give a try. request setData imageData withFileName @ photo.jpg andContentType @ image jpeg..

printing over network from PHP app


lpr setHost Put your printer IP here lpr setData C wampp2 htdocs print test.txt Path to file OR string to print...

Adding attributes to customer entity


'customer' 'your_attribute_code_here' oAttribute setData 'used_in_forms' array 'adminhtml_customer' oAttribute save setup.. endSetup The unusual step for adding attributes is the setData 'used_in_forms' this seems to be unique to customer attributes...

Magento - Programatically added bundle product isn't showing up in frontend


cats 'store_id' storeID 'website_ids' websiteIDs product setData p product setCanSaveBundleSelections true product setCanSaveCustomOptions.. setProductId product getId setStockId 1 stockItem setData 'is_in_stock' 1 stockItem save pi Mage getSingleton 'bundle.. cats 'store_id' storeID 'website_ids' websiteIDs product setData p Mage register 'product' product Mage register 'current_product'..

How do I create a product with additional attributes in Magento via Soap/Java


attribute isset productData _attrCode 295 product setData 296 ... etc ... This seems to be a bug. So here is my question...