php Programming Glossary: setdecorators
Zend Framework forms, decorators and validation: should I go back to plain HTML? your form class public function loadDefaultDecorators this setDecorators array array 'ViewScript' array 'viewScript' 'foo bar.phtml'.. For instance baz new Zend_Form_Element_Text 'bazInput' baz setDecorators array 'ViewHelper' 'Errors' Finally you'll need to build your..
How To Remove All DtDdWrappers and Labels on Zend Form Elements a class extending Zend_Form you would call Zend_Form setDecorators passing an array of form decorators. From the reference guide.. the equivalent code for creating them is as follows form setDecorators array 'FormElements' array 'HtmlTag' array 'tag' 'dl' 'Form'.. the form elements in a div tag instead of a dl tag this setDecorators array 'FormElements' array 'HtmlTag' array 'tag' 'div' 'class'..
set image after text box in zend form using zend decorator 'Label' 'Back' 'onclick' 'window.location list ' form setDecorators array 'FormElements' array 'HtmlTag' array 'tag' 'table' 'align'..
Zend Framework form with jquery array 'Label' array 'HtmlTag' array 'tag' 'div' elem setDecorators elementDecorators And finally add to my form remember I'm in..