php Programming Glossary: set
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? whitespace characters or characters beyond a limited set see below It is often recommended to avoid using reserved keywords.. quote backtick identifiers using the following character set ASCII 0 9 a z A Z _ basic Latin letters digits 0 9 dollar underscore.. 0 9 dollar underscore You can use characters beyond that set as table or column identifiers including whitespace for example..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 anymore. Create curl resource ch curl_init Set url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http statuses user_timeline myscreenname.json.. count 10 Return the transfer as a string curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 output contains the output string.. followers. The point is you are going to get yourself a set of unique keys to use for your application. So the point of..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] from PDO To be able to see database errors one have to set PDO errmode to exceptions. Exceptions are better than regular.. important information following site wide error reporting settings. Note that setting this mode as a connection option will.. following site wide error reporting settings. Note that setting this mode as a connection option will let PDO throw exceptions..
UTF-8 all the way through 8 all the way through I'm setting up a new server and want to support UTF 8 fully in my web.. to fall back to ISO 8859 1. Where exactly do I need to set the encoding charsets I'm aware that I need to configure Apache.. 8859 1. Where exactly do I need to set the encoding charsets I'm aware that I need to configure Apache MySQL and PHP to..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? function again which triggers the wait. The 1 second setTimeout is a really basic rate limiter it works fine without.. libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js type text javascript charset utf 8 script style type text css media screen body background.. color #992E36 style script type text javascript charset utf 8 function addmsg type msg Simple helper to add a div. type..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element 'href' To change the href attribute you'd do node setAttribute 'href' 'something else' To remove the href attribute.. echo current attribute value href nodeValue 'new value' set new attribute value href parentNode removeAttribute 'href' remove..
PHP global in functions when I look at the function body that I learn I have to set the environment into a certain state. If your function requires..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? ™t help anything. In fact having session.cookie_lifetime set to 0 would make the session ™s cookie a real session cookie that.. i.e. request and update it with every request if isset _SESSION 'LAST_ACTIVITY' time _SESSION 'LAST_ACTIVITY' 1800.. 1800 last request was more than 30 minutes ago session_unset unset _SESSION variable for the run time session_destroy destroy..
Call to a member function on a non-object So I'm refactoring my code to implement more OOP. I set up a class to hold page attributes. class PageAtrributes private.. get_page_title return this page_title public function set_page_title page_title this page_title page_title Later on.. this page_title page_title Later on I call the set_page_title function like so function page_properties objPortal..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] Be nice php header 'Content type text html charset utf 8' error_reporting E_ALL E_STRICT ini_set 'display_errors'.. html charset utf 8' error_reporting E_ALL E_STRICT ini_set 'display_errors' 1 display_errors can be changed to 0 in production.. 'Unable to select db ' . mysql_error E_USER_ERROR if mysql_set_charset 'utf8' trigger_error 'Unable to set charset for db connection..
Headers already sent by PHP lines mentioned in the error messages contain header and setcookie calls. What could be the reason for this and how to fix.. header header_remove session_start session_regenerate_id setcookie setrawcookie Output can be Unintentional Whitespace before.. session_start session_regenerate_id setcookie setrawcookie Output can be Unintentional Whitespace before php or..
How to properly set up a PDO connection PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION con exec SET CHARACTER SET utf8 return all sql requests as UTF 8 catch PDOException.. ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION con exec SET CHARACTER SET utf8 return all sql requests as UTF 8 catch PDOException err..
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security _POST 'password ' if errors false sql INSERT INTO clients SET name ' . mysql_real_escape_string name . ' mail ' . mysql_real_escape_string..
Does mysql_real_escape_string() FULLY protect against SQL injection? to Stefan Esser mysql_real_escape_string is not safe when SET NAMES is used. His explanation from his blog SET NAMES is usually.. safe when SET NAMES is used. His explanation from his blog SET NAMES is usually used to switch the encoding from what is default..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? KEY `ensembl_transcript_id` ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET latin1 Now imagine that we have an automatic pipeline importing.. using REPLACE It ™s very simple REPLACE INTO `transcripts` SET `ensembl_transcript_id` ˜ENSORGT00000000001 `transcript_chrom_start`.. IGNORE Also very simple INSERT IGNORE INTO `transcripts` SET `ensembl_transcript_id` ˜ENSORGT00000000001 `transcript_chrom_start`..
How to get ID of the last updated row in MySQL? this question I've found an answer to this problem SET @update_id 0 UPDATE some_table SET row 'value' id SELECT @update_id.. answer to this problem SET @update_id 0 UPDATE some_table SET row 'value' id SELECT @update_id id WHERE some_other_row 'blah'.. the ID of every row affected by an update statement SET @uids null UPDATE footable SET foo 'bar' WHERE fooid 5 AND SELECT..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error key updateColumn memberMysqli UPDATE questionnaire SET key WHERE id rowid formvalue loopInputs _POST memberMysqli rowid..
json_encode is returning NULL? KEY `id` ENGINE MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT 5 DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci Here is what is echoed out on the.. data in non utf8 encoding try to put mysql_query 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' before your SELECT query. share improve..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples too I think I have figured it out is it right mysql_query SET AUTOCOMMIT 0 mysql_query START TRANSACTION a1 mysql_query INSERT..
UTF-8 all the way through application expects data on the connection to be encoded SET NAMES 'utf8' . The same consideration regarding utf8 utf8mb4..
Insert/update helper function using PDO using PDO I have a very simple helper function to produce SET statement for traditional plain mysql driver usage function.. _POST 'y' . . _POST 'm' . . _POST 'd' query UPDATE table SET .dbSet fields . stamp NOW WHERE id id it makes code quite DRY.. _POST 'y' . . _POST 'm' . _POST 'd' query UPDATE table SET .dbSet fields values . stamp NOW WHERE id values id dbh prepare..
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now Errorcode s n . Mysqli_connect_error exit con query SET NAMES 'utf8' brand o countQuery SELECT ARTICLE_NO FROM AUCTIONS..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] E_USER_ERROR result mysql_query 'UPDATE tablename SET name ' . mysql_real_escape_string _POST 'name' . ' WHERE id..
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? dbh new PDO dsn settings 'user' settings 'pass' options Set prepared statement emulation depending on server version serverversion..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? all user defined functions. PARAMETERS m suppress_errors Set to true to turn off warnings when evaluating expressions m last_error..
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? this db_animals db_animals this connect else die Set up connection to db public function connect this conn mysql_connect..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) registrationIDs array 123 456 Message to be sent message x Set POST variables url 'https gcm send' fields.. Type application json' Open connection ch curl_init Set the url number of POST vars POST data curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code args public function __destruct this close MySql Result Set Array Based class MySqlResult implements Iterator Countable..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 does not work anymore. Create curl resource ch curl_init Set url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http statuses user_timeline.. to make your life easier. 1. Create a Developer Account Set yourself up a Developer account on Twitter You need to visit.. standard data retrieval using GET requests. Choose the Settings tab near the top of the page. Give your application read..
How to enable PHP short tags? php tags php shorttags share improve this question Set short_open_tag On in php.ini And restart your Apache server...
How do I remove  from the beginning of a file? the default value. previous_encoding mb_internal_encoding Set the encoding to UTF 8 so when reading files it ignores the BOM..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” to check if they are declared before referencing them. Set a custom error handler for E_NOTICE and redirect the messages..
Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP if none is set. session_start currentSessionID session_id Set a variable that will be retrieved with the HTTPS script. _SESSION.. passed via the GET method. currentSessionID _GET 'session' Set a cookie for the session ID. session_id currentSessionID Start..
Get $_POST from multiple checkboxes php html forms checkbox share improve this question Set the name in the form to check_list and you will be able to access..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking are a few ways to prevent session fixation do all of them Set session.use_trans_sid 0 in your php.ini file. This will tell.. in the URL and not to read the URL for identifiers. Set session.use_only_cookies 1 in your php.ini file. This will tell.. a strong hash session.hash_bits_per_character in php.ini . Set this to session.hash_bits_per_character 5 . While this doesn't..
Headers already sent by PHP affected Both setcookie and session_start need to send a Set Cookie HTTP header . The same conditions therefore apply and..