php Programming Glossary: setbody
PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server some sender ' setTo array ' to email ' ' some recepient ' setBody htmlbody 'text html' Send the message result mailer send message..
Redirect to new page w/ POST data (PHP/Zend) setRedirect ' app2 example ' 302 this getResponse setBody http_build_query this _request getPost I'm sure what I want..
Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer 'John Doe' '' 'Bill Watson' setBody 'Here is the message itself' addPart ' b Test message being.. today.' setFrom array '' 'From Me' setBody 'Here is the message itself' addPart ' b Test message being..
Sending email using Zend Framework and PHP Zend_Mail mail addTo email mail setSubject subject mail setBody message mail setFrom '' 'User Name' Send it..
Using php's swiftmailer with gmail setTo array '' 'A name' setBody 'Test Message Body' echo 'line 52 br ' result mailer send message..
trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php array '' 'MY NAME' setTo array '' 'YOU' setBody 'This is the text of the mail send by Swift using SMTP transport.'..
PHP HTTP-Request
using jquery to post data in zend framework array 'return1' 'value1' 'return2' 'value2' this _response setBody json_encode results In any way I suggest to listen the @jakenoble..