php Programming Glossary: setquery
Validation in Zend Framework 2 with Doctrine 2 this setEntityManager entityManager if null query this setQuery query Init messages this messageTemplates self ENTITY_FOUND.. return this query @param field_type query public function setQuery query this query query return this @return Doctrine ORM EntityManager..
export mysql result to excel IN 1 2 AND country 'Africa' ORDER BY state ASC' db setQuery query rows db loadObjectList if rows function xlsBOF echo pack..
Access Joomla 2.5 from external script to get article by id fulltext FROM #__content WHERE id 260 .intval articleId db setQuery sql fullArticle db loadResult Article ID 260 is available but.. select 'introtext' from '#__content' where 'id 260' db setQuery query fullArticle db loadResult echo fullArticle Hope this helps..
How to get article text by article ID in Joomla? fulltext FROM #__content WHERE id .intval articleId db setQuery sql fullArticle db loadResult if strlen trim fullArticle fullArticle..