php Programming Glossary: returnvalue
How to filter a select nodeset with a PHP function? return '' Not sure what the right nothing return value is returnValue nodes 0 ownerDocument createDocumentFragment array_shift nodes.. array_shift nodes shuffle nodes foreach nodes as node returnValue appendChild node return returnValue xslDoc new SimpleXMLElement.. foreach nodes as node returnValue appendChild node return returnValue xslDoc new SimpleXMLElement '. foo.xslt' 0 true xmlDoc new SimpleXMLElement..
PHPUnit Mock Objects and Static Methods
How can I get PHPUnit MockObjects to return differernt values based on a parameter? mock expects this any method 'methodToMock' will this returnValue 'return value' What I want to be able to do is return a different.. method 'methodToMock' with this equalTo 'one' will this returnValue 'method called with argument one ' methodToMock 'two' mock expects.. method 'methodToMock' with this equalTo 'two' will this returnValue 'method called with argument two ' But this causes PHPUnit to..
How do I implement a callback in PHP? and it must have a static public method someStaticMethod . returnValue call_user_func cb3 arg1 arg2 Later versions of PHP have allowed..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? this once method 'findById' with this equalTo 1 will this returnValue 'Expected Unprocessed Data' This will create a double for a.. this once method 'findById' with this equalTo 1 will this returnValue 'Expected Unprocessed Data' and setup becomes public function..
Mock in PHPUnit - multiple configuration of the same method with different arguments this any method 'offsetGet' with 'Matcher' will this returnValue new Matcher context expects this any method 'offsetGet' with.. this any method 'offsetGet' with 'Logger' will this returnValue new Logger I use PHPUnit 3.5.10 and it fails when I ask for.. improve this question As of PHPUnit 3.6 there is this returnValueMap which may be used to return different values depending on..
PhpUnit private method testing a array c testMe expects this once method c will this returnValue 123123 and run your tests against this mock since the only function..
unit testing and Static methods once method 'query' with ' query string ' 5 will this returnValue null dao new UserDao log database self assertNull dao findUser..
How to properly generate exceptions in PHP/Dojo when returning javascript code javascript content fileName 'test.js' load function returnValue Do Something error function errorMessage Report Error Here.. url 'stacko.js' handleAs javascript load function returnValue console.log load returnValue error function errorMessage ioargs.. javascript load function returnValue console.log load returnValue error function errorMessage ioargs request worked fine this..
Mocking concrete method in abstract class using phpunit stub expects this any method 'abstractMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Succeeds Ideally I.. stub expects this any method 'concreteMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Fails concreteMethod.. stub expects this any method 'concreteMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Succeeds Similar to..