php Programming Glossary: retrieves
Retrieving the last insert id from MySql using PHP 5 1500 It's working. The last_insert_id function retrieves the last inserted id from the respective table which is unique..
php: sessions vs. database sessions vs. database I have a class that retrieves its memeber more or less 10 members from a database. My question..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? try to keep mapper's interface as simple as possible fetch retrieves data in the domain object or collection save saves updates existing..
PHP mysql insert date format used for values with a date part but no time part. MySQL retrieves and displays DATE values in 'YYYY MM DD' format. The supported.. for values that contain both date and time parts. MySQL retrieves and displays DATETIME values in 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS' format...
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? cURL without needing external 'emulators'. The code below retrieves a page into a PHP variable to be parsed. url the url generating..
Upload image with facebook API to facebook via FB API I'm writing an application that retrieves images from the user's photo album makes some modifications..
Choosing a thumbnail from an external link from an external link I am trying to build a script that retrieves a list of thumbnail images from an external link much like Facebook..
PHP: pack / unpack 64bit int on 64bit architecture
How to pass an array of strings from PHP to Javascript using $.ajax()? PHP to Javascript using .ajax I have a PHP script that retrieves names strings from database. I would like to pass this array..
How to Get and display the list of youtube videos using javascript framework that makes a GET request to that url and retrieves the data in jsonp format. Then parses some basic info title..
Android JSON to PHP Server and back improve this question OK i've got the PHP. The below retrieves POST ed data and returns the service php data file_get_contents..
password security in PHP
How can I get user's facebook ID who clicked like button? your site meaning that you wrote some facebook app which retrieves the info than you can access the information. try reading the..
setting utf8 with mysql through php through php I have the following very simple code which retrieves utf8 formatetd data such as containing umlauts from a mysql..
Best method to verify multi-level relational dependencies POST parameter. If user clicks on the link the application retrieves D's ID and begins to operate on D. Simple apps use URLs like..
Facebook - get friends of friends I'm trying to do a script which takes the logged in user retrieves the list of friends and loops through these friends to get their..
Best way to get files from a dir filtered by certain extension in php [duplicate] dir_f whatever random files scandir dir_f That however retrieves every file in a directory. How would I retrive only files with..
When would you need to use late static binding? static method. Then inside the class that actually retrieves the message you can call save If you want to learn more about..