php Programming Glossary: restler
Restler always returns not found any specification of the apache requirements to handle restler Any ideas it is kind of urgent say.php php class Say function.. to 'world' return Hello to index.php php require_once 'restler restler.php' require_once 'say.php' r new Restler r addAPIClass.. return Hello to index.php php require_once 'restler restler.php' require_once 'say.php' r new Restler r addAPIClass 'Say'..
Luracast Restler Authentication Restler Authentication I ™m using Luracast restler and i ™m trying to implement some authentication by implementing.. the index.php with the following php require_once '.. .. restler restler.php' #set autoloader #do not use spl_autoload_register.. with the following php require_once '.. .. restler restler.php' #set autoloader #do not use spl_autoload_register with..