php Programming Glossary: retry
Upload video to Youtube using Youtube API V3 and PHP But I tried to put a loop mentioned in the code snippet to retry on getting error code 500 but in all 10 iterations I get the.. python code on the documentation page mentions we should retry if we get error codes 500 502 503 504 retryErrorCodes array.. we should retry if we get error codes 500 502 503 504 retryErrorCodes array 500 502 503 504 while i 10 error try ret youTubeService..
How can I mount an S3 bucket to an EC2 instance and write to it with PHP? error out and can be retried. Sometimes you may want to retry a lot sometimes you would rather error out quickly. A filesystem..
PHP script to automate login and form submit It will be something like this c new CURLRequest c retry 2 c get url this curlOpts url 'https ' opts..
Generate unique random alphanumeric characters that are 7 characters long your best bet would be to detect collisions and just retry which could be very expensive in your particular case . If you..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? . ' id ' . id die 'login failed' die so we dont retry bouncing back to facebook return false function get_data url..
phpize wont work on Mac OS X Lion this question Cannot find autoconf Install autoconf and retry. sudo port install autoconf but you need Xcode and MacPorts..