

php Programming Glossary: ray

How do I check if a longitude/latitude point is within a range of coordinates?


Point in polygon problem on a sphere. You can modify the ray casting algorithm so that it uses arcs of great circles instead.. as simple x and y coordinates. That way you can use the ray casting algorithm with simple line segments. This is preferable.. your reference line passes over it. bool liesWithin Array Coordinate polygon Coordinate pointNotLyingInsidePolygon Coordinate..

Can someone explain to me the pack() function in PHP?


from what you packed the data as. php bin pack S 65535 ray unpack S bin echo UNSIGNED SHORT VAL ray 1 n bin pack S 65536.. bin pack S 65535 ray unpack S bin echo UNSIGNED SHORT VAL ray 1 n bin pack S 65536 ray unpack S bin echo OVERFLOW USHORT VAL.. S bin echo UNSIGNED SHORT VAL ray 1 n bin pack S 65536 ray unpack S bin echo OVERFLOW USHORT VAL ray 1 n bin pack V 65536..

Upload an image with jquery ajax with a duplicate-able input


but its pure javascript not jQuery but on the other hand Ray Nicholus has forked Valums code to a jQuery plugin. My experience..

php remove duplicates from array


clickurl # 1 stdClass Object bid 42 name Ray White Mordialloc imageurl sp_raywhite.gif clickurl http www.raywhite.com..

php split array into smaller even arrays


the original array Array 0 stdClass Object bid 42 name Ray White Mordialloc imageurl sp_raywhite.gif clickurl http www.raywhite.com..

How to write a REST API?


are going to stick around for a while. These are on the Ray Wenderlich site a very well respected ios dev tutorial site...

PHP: How to read “Title” of font from .ttf file?


the class Resulting Data Array 1 Almonte Snow 2 Regular 3 RayLarabie Almonte Snow 2000 4 Almonte Snow 5 Version 2.000 2004.. 2000 4 Almonte Snow 5 Version 2.000 2004 6 AlmonteSnow 8 Ray Larabie 9 Ray Larabie 10 Larabie Fonts is able to offer unique.. Snow 5 Version 2.000 2004 6 AlmonteSnow 8 Ray Larabie 9 Ray Larabie 10 Larabie Fonts is able to offer unique free fonts..

How to programmatically login/authenticate a user?


Symfony Component Security Core User User plaintext Ray CentralBundle Entity Client md5 role_hierarchy ROLE_ADMIN ROLE_USER.. password admin roles 'ROLE_ADMIN' entity entity class Ray CentralBundle Entity Client property email firewalls dev pattern..