php Programming Glossary: ratio
finding common prefix of array of strings custom written function arrayStrLenMin . Can bring down iterations dramatically but the function arrayStrLenMin may itself cause.. function arrayStrLenMin may itself cause more or less iterations. Simply starting with the length of first string in array.. but may turn out effective if arrayStrLenMin needs many iterations. Get the maximum common prefix of strings in an array with..
How do I throttle my site's API users? keeps track of the last request last_api_request and a ratio of the number of requests limit for the time frame minute_throttle..
Crop image in PHP and then crop it to 200x150px. This is so that the aspect ratio of the image won't change. Here's a general formula for creating.. thumb_aspect If image is wider than thumbnail in aspect ratio sense new_height thumb_height new_width width height thumb_height..
How do i resize and convert an uploaded image to a PNG using GD height_orig type getimagesize srcFile Get the aspect ratio ratio_orig width_orig height_orig width maxSize height maxSize.. type getimagesize srcFile Get the aspect ratio ratio_orig width_orig height_orig width maxSize height maxSize resize.. height maxSize resize to height orig is portrait if ratio_orig 1 width height ratio_orig resize to width orig is landscape..
How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP? Also longer strings may achieve a better compression ratio. There's probably a sweet spot somewhere where some compression..
How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE red saf3 chrome1 @media screen and webkit min device pixel ratio 0 #diez color red iPhone mobile webkit @media screen and max..
PNG Transparency Resize with SimpleImage.php Class return imagesy this image function resizeToHeight height ratio height this getHeight width this getWidth ratio this resize.. height ratio height this getHeight width this getWidth ratio this resize width height function resizeToWidth width ratio.. this resize width height function resizeToWidth width ratio width this getWidth height this getheight ratio this resize..
Calculating image size ratio for resizing image size ratio for resizing I've defined fixed width and height to resize.. problem with this because image can have any kind of size ratio it can be vertical or the horizental . In this case fixed width.. the new image size based on the original image size ratio. Lets say if the above example image should be resized to maximum..
How to Auto-Resize a DIV with CSS while keeping Aspect Ratio? to Auto Resize a DIV with CSS while keeping Aspect Ratio What I have is a standard form in HTML that allows the user..
Compressing text before storing it in the database 'COMPRESS_OPS_OK' and SHOW STATUS LIKE 'COMPRESS_OPS' . Ratio of these two params must be close to 1.0 Docs . share improve..
PHP uploading images in the correct dimensions source_height thumb_ratio thumb_width thumb_height Ratio is Taller if thumb_ratio source_ratio result_height thumb_height.. thumb_height result_width thumb_height source_ratio Ratio is Wider elseif thumb_ratio source_ratio result_width thumb_width.. thumb_width result_height thumb_width source_ratio Ratio the Same elseif thumb_ratio source_ratio result_height thumb_height..
PHP/GD - Cropping and Resizing Images y 0 width imagesx image height imagesy image CROP Aspect Ratio Section if is_null crop true crop array width height else.. y 0 width imagesx image height imagesy image CROP Aspect Ratio Section if is_null crop true crop array width height else..