

php Programming Glossary: phpquery

Open Source Grammar Checker


PHP CSS Selector Library? [closed]


PHP equivalent of PyQuery or Nokogiri?


share improve this question In PHP you can use phpQuery P.S. it's kinda ironic I came to this page looking for phpQuery..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


uses DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document.. DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document Object..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


uses DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document.. DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document Object..

Fix incorrectly displayed encoding on an html document with php


modern Woman p body html ' print raw_html aNew_document phpQuery newDocument raw_html print aNew_document Original Output Mr...

html scraping and css queries


of the following libraries PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser QP phpQuery From the above i've used QP and it failed to parse invalid HTML.. include lib simplehtmldom simple_html_dom.php include lib phpQuery phpQuery phpQuery.php echo pre html file_get_contents http stackoverflow.com.. lib simplehtmldom simple_html_dom.php include lib phpQuery phpQuery phpQuery.php echo pre html file_get_contents http stackoverflow.com..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


uses DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document.. DOM libxml underneath instead of string parsing. phpQuery phpQuery is a server side chainable CSS3 selector driven Document Object..

DOM parser that allows HTML5-style </ in <script> tag


html head head body script id foo td script body html phpQuery fails Source php header 'Content type text plain' require_once.. Source php header 'Content type text plain' require_once 'phpQuery.php' phpQuery newDocumentHTML EOF script type text x jquery.. 'Content type text plain' require_once 'phpQuery.php' phpQuery newDocumentHTML EOF script type text x jquery tmpl id foo td..

Parse Website for URLs
