

php Programming Glossary: php_dir

How to set up PEAR on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard


3. Binaries directory prefix bin 4. PHP code directory php_dir prefix PEAR 5. Documentation base directory php_dir docs 6... php_dir prefix PEAR 5. Documentation base directory php_dir docs 6. Data base directory php_dir data 7. Tests base directory.. base directory php_dir docs 6. Data base directory php_dir data 7. Tests base directory php_dir tests I change the Installation..

Cannot get PHPunit working


to a writeable dir to avoid this warning Cannot install php_dir for channel pear.phpunit.de is not writeable by the current.. to a writeable dir to avoid this warning Cannot install php_dir for channel pear.phpunit.de is not writeable by the current..

PHPUnit , PEAR upgrading Errors


problem ADDITIONAL command result usr bin pear config get php_dir usr share php Configuration File php.ini Path on phpinfo etc..