

php Programming Glossary: php_intl.dll

Zend Framework 2 - Translate Standard Form Validation and Error messages


to enable php5 intl. Go to php.ini and enable extension php_intl.dll . Finally I needed to add the full path starting with vendor..

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll


extension installing php_intl.dll I'm trying to locate php_intl.dll and install it. Does anyone.. extension installing php_intl.dll I'm trying to locate php_intl.dll and install it. Does anyone have any tips php windows xp intl.. packages at http windows.php.net download all contain the php_intl.dll which is located in the subdir ext . All you have to do is to..

intl extension php_intl.dll with wamp


extension php_intl.dll with wamp I want to use Moodle but I get an error during the.. enable intl in php.ini file uncomment this line extension php_intl.dll And restart the server. It should works fine. Of course you..

Problems with lib-icu dependency when installing Symfony 2.3.x via Composer


different php.ini php.ini extension intl.so nix extension php_intl.dll windows intl intl.default_locale en_utf8 intl.error_level E_WARNING..