php Programming Glossary: php6
Strategy for supporting unicode & multi language in PHP5 unicode multi language in PHP5 I have heard that PHP6 will natively support unicode which will hopefully make multi..
I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding utf 8 though this all becomes second nature. And of course PHP6 is supposed to be fully unicode complaint from the getgo which..
How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings? need to use mb_convert_encoding instead of utf8_decode . PHP6 with unicode_semantics On may change everything... This nightmare..
Nested or Inner Class in PHP PHP versions are going to support Nested Classes maybe PHP6 php class oop nested nested class share improve this question..
Is SQL injection a risk today? [duplicate] are deprecated in PHP5 and will be completely removed in PHP6 as they brought more confusion to the programming world than..
UTF-8 characters in preg_match_all (PHP) count bytes instead of characters. This will be fixed in PHP6 but until then you'll just have to live with it. I tried finding..
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? question is why things like 1 can be used in PHP at all. PHP6 was suppposed to be the Unicode release but PHP6 is in hiatus... at all. PHP6 was suppposed to be the Unicode release but PHP6 is in hiatus. But if there is no Unicode support why can I do..
PHP - 'At' symbol before variable name: @$_POST to avoid E_NOTICE error error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE PHP6 Note Because @ operator is very slow it won't work on ini_set..
How to reverse a Unicode string best lacking . This will hopefully change drastically with PHP6 . PHPs MultiByte functions does provide the basic functionality.. this Unicode text so you can relax a bit longer until PHP6. Test code enc 'UTF 8' text ȋ ȋ defaultEnc mb_internal_encoding..
Decompressing a .gz file via PHP through google it appears this function was implemented in PHP6 which I cannot use. Interestingly enough gzencode exists and..
php readdir problem with japanese language file name the filenames under Windows. I expect this will happen in PHP6 but for the moment you're probably pretty much stuffed. You..
Is there anything like CoffeeScript for PHP? to make PHP a better language post a feature request for PHP6. Edit In my original answer I fell for an April Fool's joke.. answer I fell for an April Fool's joke claiming that PHP6 had been released in 2010 . Obviously I'm not a PHP guy... All..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 LATE EDIT Another discussion about goto in PHP5.3 PHP6 php goto share improve this question If you're writing..