

php Programming Glossary: phpinfo.php

executing php script from C program and store the results in to a variable


calling php function n execl usr bin php q var www html phpinfo.php NULL printf End php function n Php Code php echo hello Environment.. look like execl usr bin php usr bin php q var www html phpinfo.php char NULL I added the cast to char to ensure that a null pointer..

PHP find require_once real path


main.class.php includes functions.php templates config.php phpinfo.php php require once realpath share improve this question I..

How to integrate Xdebug 2.2.3 (PHP 5.53) with PhpStorm 7.0


your MAMP server. From Chrome run localhost 8888 MAMP phpinfo.php . You should be able to find somewhere down the line for the..

How to know for sure if FastCGI is being used to run php scripts


improve this question Here's a simple test Create a phpinfo.php file with php phpinfo inside Request http yoursite.com phpinfo.php.. file with php phpinfo inside Request http yoursite.com phpinfo.php foobar foo bar Check the output of phpinfo and look for _SERVER.. is used. If the variable is present and correctly set to phpinfo.php foobar foo bar then either ISAPI or FastCGI is used. Look near..

Get posts on a friend's wall using the Facebook API


PHP Error log file format (php.ini error_log directive) on Windows


2011 12 58 55 PHP Notice Undefined variable test in C www phpinfo.php on line 2 r r n 12 Jun 2011 12 59 01 PHP Notice Undefined variable.. 2011 12 59 01 PHP Notice Undefined variable test in C www phpinfo.php on line 2 r r n 12 Jun 2011 13 01 12 PHP Notice Undefined variable.. 2011 13 01 12 PHP Notice Undefined variable test in C www phpinfo.php on line 2 r r n 12 Jun 2011 13 02 11 PHP Notice Undefined variable..