

php Programming Glossary: php.ini

How to properly set up a PDO connection


that... configure.php Here I basically just override some php.ini properties and do some other global configuration for the site..

The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead


suppress deprecation errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED.. suppress deprecation errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED..

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?


and ASP style tags and can be turned on and off from the php.ini configuration file. As such while some people find short tags..

How to enable PHP short tags?


UTF-8 all the way through


or HTML metadata . In PHP you can use the default_charset php.ini option or manually issue the Content Type MIME header yourself..

Convert HTML + CSS to PDF with PHP?


to 128M of memory then dying thats my limit on memory in php.ini but it makes a complete mess of tables and doesn't seem to get..

Why would one omit the close tag?


Modern versions of PHP set the output_buffering flag in php.ini If output buffering is enabled you can set HTTP headers and..

PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking


do all of them Set session.use_trans_sid 0 in your php.ini file. This will tell PHP not to include the identifier in the.. for identifiers. Set session.use_only_cookies 1 in your php.ini file. This will tell PHP to never use URLs with session identifiers... a strong session hash identifier session.hash_function in php.ini . If PHP 5.3 set it to session.hash_function 1 for SHA1. If..

PHP Does Not Display Error Messages


testing site you can turn on error reporting in php.ini. Search it for these settings error_reporting E_ALL error_reporting..

Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains


this question Here are 3 options. Place this in your php.ini session.cookie_domain .example.com In your .htaccess php_value..

Headers already sent by PHP


as Unknown on line 0 It's typically an PHP extension or php.ini setting if no error source is specified. It's occasionally the.. If you have error_reporting or display_errors disabled per php.ini then no warning will show up. But ignoring errors won't make.. the output_buffering setting help. Configure it in the php.ini or via .htaccess or even .user.ini . With that enabled content..

How to get useful error messages in PHP?


For syntax errors you need to enable error display in the php.ini. By default these are turned off because you don't want a customer.. the one you want to change. If you can't modify the php.ini you can also add the following lines to an .htaccess file php_flag..

Issues installing PHP 5.3 with apache on centos


apc yum update php53u pecl apc enablerepo ius testing Edit PHP.ini display_errors On Restart Apache service httpd restart share..

Installing PDO_MYSQL on PHP 5.1.6 using PECL OS: UBUNTU


PECL install PDO PECL install PDO_MYSQL Lines Added to PHP.ini extension mysql.so extension pdo.so extension pdo_mysql.so apachectl..

Changing upload_max_filesize on PHP


shorthand notation to set configuration values outside of PHP.ini. I assume it's falling back to 2MB as the compiled default when..

PHP call class in class returns error:500 [closed]


OpenSSL not working on Windows


http www.php.net manual en openssl.installation.php PHP.ini extension php_openssl.dll Openssl.cnf E wamp php extras openssl.cnf..

How do I install cURL on Windows?


no idea what's going on. The Apache server uses the right PHP.ini. and the PHP.ini has the correct extension_dir and extension.. on. The Apache server uses the right PHP.ini. and the PHP.ini has the correct extension_dir and extension php_curl.dll I have..

Unexpected Connection Reset: A PHP or an Apache issue?


Apache PHP config problem. Here are few things I have set. PHP.ini max_execution_time 300000 max_input_time 300000 memory_limit..

How to enable PHP short tags?


of because I don't know from where to enable the from the PHP.ini so I changed it to php I know that these 2 statements are supposed..

XDebug is not loaded in PHP (Vista, Apache Module)


php_xdebug 2.0.5 5.3 vc9.dll added at the end of PHP.ini the following line zend_extension_ts C Program Files php5 ext..

Removing X-Powered-By


I think that is controlled by the expose_php setting in PHP.ini expose_php off Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that..

how to increase the timeout in php?


max_execution_time 60 also higher if you must Were your PHP.ini is depends on your enviroment more information http php.net..

SMTP server response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first


from phpinfo . You can set the following settings in your PHP.ini ini_set SMTP ssl smtp.gmail.com ini_set smtp_port 465 share..

PHP, why do you escape my quotes? [duplicate]


Strange 5 second pause with PHP command line interface (related to mysql/mysqli extension)


it is waiting for some delay. After experimenting with PHP.ini I've narrowed this down to the fact that the mysql or mysqli..

Mail returns false


in theory of why mail would return false SMTP is set in PHP.ini Sender is set in headers Sender is int the form of sender sender@email.com..

How to disable XDebug


php xdebug apc share improve this question Find your PHP.ini and look for XDebug. Set xdebug autostart to false xdebug.remote_autostart..

Where is PHP.ini in Mac OS X Lion? Thought it was in /usr/local/php5/lib


is PHP.ini in Mac OS X Lion Thought it was in usr local php5 lib I wanted.. etc. I can't seem to find my PHP files most importantly PHP.ini. On my old machine it was located in usr local php5 lib But..