

php Programming Glossary: php.net

PHP file cannot enter some part of code


return this current Return the current element @link http php.net manual en iterator.current.php @return array public function.. fetch Return the key of the current element @link http php.net manual en iterator.key.php @return mixed scalar on success or.. index null Checks if current position is valid @link http php.net manual en iterator.valid.php @return boolean The return value..

Access array returned by a function in php


possible to do exactly that getSomeArray 2 Reference http php.net manual en language.types.array.php#example 88 Prior to PHP 5.3..

Accessing @attribute from SimpleXML


var_dump the return value of the function. More info at php.net http php.net simplexmlelement.attributes Example code from that.. return value of the function. More info at php.net http php.net simplexmlelement.attributes Example code from that page xml..

PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them?


PHP language tokens Then check out the PHP manual on http php.net its various language tokens or Wikipedias syntax introduction..

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, Why its happening [duplicate]


produces any output ob_start All the details are here http php.net manual en book.outcontrol.php Looking at your code there seems..

Best XML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input?


solution is using Prepared Statements example from http php.net manual en pdo.prepared statements.php stmt dbh prepare INSERT..

How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error


Mailer to write the error_mail function. See also http php.net manual en reserved.variables.phperrormsg.php http php.net manual.. php.net manual en reserved.variables.phperrormsg.php http php.net manual en errorfunc.constants.php share improve this answer..

PHP: Public, Private, Protected


the parent class. More For comprehensive information http php.net manual en language.oop5.visibility.php share improve this..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


bcrypt not supported in this installation. See http php.net crypt this rounds rounds public function hash input hash crypt..

How do I send a POST request with PHP?


how to add headers for example stream_context_create http php.net manual en function.stream context create.php share improve..

How do I enable error reporting in PHP? [duplicate]


'display_startup_errors' 1 error_reporting 1 See http php.net manual en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display errors http.. en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display errors http php.net manual en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display startup errors.. startup errors http php.net manual en function.error reporting.php share improve this..

PHP ZIP files on the fly


snippet taken from the example by Jonathan Baltazar on PHP.net manual at the ZipArchive open page Prepare File file tempnam..

Convert UTC offset to timezone or date


since DST is already applied. I found one function on PHP.net that seems to do the trick it works for my timezone and returns..

What does “=>” mean in PHP?


foreach user_list as user pass The code is a comment at PHP.net. The user does not specify the value of user_list user or pass...

Large hex values with PHP hexdec


using hexdec to convert to float and I found a function on PHP.net to convert that to decimal but it seems to hit a ceiling e.g...

Verify receipt for in App purchase


HTTP post mechanism. cURL is one possible choice. YMMV. PHP.net has the scoop One thing that has me slightly concerned is the..

prepared parameterized query with PDO


How does similar_text work?


p . hr 9.5238095238095 5 out of 100 not 5 Example from PHP.net Why is turning the strings around changing the result similar_text..

How do I convert a script using mysql_ functions to use mysqli_ functions?


and their benefits Wikipedia Prepared Statements PHP.net MySQLi Prepared Statements Note When using prepared statements..

Crash Course in Web Development (PHP+HTML) [closed]


other suggestions made by others here the references at PHP.net will be one of the best guides. If you do a web application..

Elegant way to merge two arrays as key value pairs in PHP?


How to install PHP/CURL?


to install PHP CURL I tried to follow PHP.net curl site and even this link http curl.phptrack.com forum viewtopic.php..

Are there good Tutorials on how to use PDO? [closed]


What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP?


PHP: Calculate a math function f(x) in a string


produce 11 I can't find a library for tasks like this on PHP.net or with Google but I don't think I am the first one that wants..

Auditing a PHP codebase


return isBad true false . Short Tags &mdash Here's what PHP.net has to say about short tags Using short tags should be avoided..

php - what's the benefit of unsetting variables? [duplicate]


decrease the memory consumption during runtime Yep. From PHP.net unset does just what it's name says unset a variable. It does..

PHP, MySQL and Time Zones


it just goes over my head. I've read several topics on PHP.net and also other sites including but not limited to SO. But i..

PHP - exec() vs system() vs passthru()


yes can you please give some examples of those situations PHP.net says that they are used to execute external program. From examples..

Convert ASCII and UTF-8 to non-special characters with one function


this question Thanks to @XzKto and this comment on PHP.net I changed my slug function to the following static function..

How can I properly use a PDO object for a Select query


a PDO object for a Select query I've tried following the PHP.net instructions for doing Select queries but I am not sure the..