php Programming Glossary: phpexcel_iofactory
How to generate an Excel document with multiple worksheets from PHP? ' header 'Cache Control max age 0' objWriter PHPExcel_IOFactory createWriter objPHPExcel 'Excel5' objWriter save 'php output'..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? 'Excel2007' inputFileName 'big_file.xlsx' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType worksheetNames objReader listWorksheetNames.. rows from worksheet br ' debug_log ' start' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader file_type chunkSize 20 chunkFilter new ChunkReadFilter.. new Reader of the type defined in inputFileType objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType echo ' hr ' Define how many rows..
Problem with PHPExcel col rowNumber Save as an Excel BIFF xls file objWriter PHPExcel_IOFactory createWriter objPHPExcel 'Excel5' header 'Content Type application.. col rowNumber Save as an Excel BIFF xls file objWriter PHPExcel_IOFactory createWriter objPHPExcel 'Excel5' header 'Content Type application..
PHPExcel reader — help required is the code snippet inputFileName test.xls inputFileType PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader.. PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objReader setReadDataOnly true Load..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM Classes PHPExcel.php' inputFileType 'Excel2007' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objReader setReadDataOnly true objPHPExcel.. new Reader of the type defined in inputFileType objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType Advise the Reader of which WorkSheets.. new Reader of the type defined in inputFileType objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType Advise the Reader of which WorkSheets..
How to open an Excel file with PHPExcel for both reading and writing? I'm creating xls objects either for writing or for reading PHPExcel_IOFactory createReaderForFile 'file.xlsx' PHPExcel_IOFactory createWriter.. reading PHPExcel_IOFactory createReaderForFile 'file.xlsx' PHPExcel_IOFactory createWriter 'Excel2007' How can I open an XLSX file for reading.. 'Excel5' fileName 'testFile.xls' Read the file objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader fileType objPHPExcel objReader load fileName Change..
how to use phpexcel to read data and insert into database? Excel file and transfer the data into a database Include PHPExcel_IOFactory include 'PHPExcel IOFactory.php' inputFileName '. sampleData.. example1.xls' Read your Excel workbook try inputFileType PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader.. PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objPHPExcel objReader load inputFileName..