php Programming Glossary: outlined
executing php script from C program and store the results in to a variable I use for my own programs that does exactly what I've outlined. It is very similar to popen in fact the only difference being..
PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (?? can only handle one encoding per string. I already outlined above how to more specifically do string replacements with the..
How to restrict access to a PHP file? During day to day operation i.e. when making the request outlined in the question the app follows this procedure Retrieve the..
Zend Framework 2 - Global check for authentication with ZFCUser if there is a way to globally check for authentication. As outlined in the wiki there are several ways to check for auth. They all..
Escaping column names in PDO statements string literals. In this case you have to use backticks as outlined by Björn and backslash escaping. To do backslash escaping correctly..
RSS XML Parsing issue (How to get media content value from the RSS feed?) [duplicate] element. How to access those non namespaced elements is outlined in depth in the basic Simplexml usage examples I spare you this.. into a variable let's call it item this time it works as outlined in the already hinted duplicated Q A material just here specific..
Uploading large video via Youtube API causing Out of Memory with the video's binary data included in the XML file as outlined here I found another person with the same problem who had supplied..
How can I set text value of SimpleXmlElement without using its parent? xml xpath c 3 This also works with unset operations as outlined in an answer to Remove a child with a specific attribute in..
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? only to the parsing stage does not solve the problem outlined for case insensitive identifiers. Finally there is the problem..
Strange UTF8 string comparison with a normal space. As to the second that is the case I outlined above c3a4 is ä U 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS one..
What is the best practice for restricting specific pages to logged in users only in Codeigniter? Extend the base controllers one way i believe originally outlined by Phil Sturgeon but I'll summarise here See this article for..
How would I implement a simple site search with php and mySQL? . So you have a few options 1. The simplest approach is outlined by Particle Tree . You can actaully get ranked searches off..
Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit (on abstract classes) protected methods. The following page at stackoverflow outlined the best practice on it Best practices to test protected methods..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones UTC when storing them in MySQL which is a trivial thing as outlined below Datetimes returned from MySQL can be handed safely to..
What is the php_binary serialization handler? which is used in the session data . Those differences are outlined in the igbinary readme . It fairly well describes what's done..
Unable to add Attribute with Namespace Prefix using PHP Simplexml method is not helping here. In other words running this as outlined there data cells i addChild 'Data' 'value' data addAttribute..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string you don't have that PHP version take some alternative like outlined in How to get the xml content of a node as a string or a similar..
Multiple Inheritance in PHP object structure is somewhat incorrect. In situation you outlined I see you have class responsibility simply too broad. If Message..
persisted login with Zend_Session::rememberMe you are better off implementing a custom cookie solution outlined by the link you provided. The direct answer to your question..