php Programming Glossary: output_buffering
Why does PHP send it all at once? [duplicate]
What does “zend_mm_heap corrupted” mean after much trial and error I found that if I increase the output_buffering value in the php.ini file this error goes away share improve..
Why would one omit the close tag? only good argument so far Modern versions of PHP set the output_buffering flag in php.ini If output buffering is enabled you can set HTTP..
php flush not working file and restart Nginx Also check if your php.ini contains output_buffering Off and zlib.output_compression Off . share improve this answer..
PHP Flush that works… even in Nginx gzip and decrease the fastcgi buffer size. So In php.ini . output_buffering Off . zlib.output_compression Off In nginx.conf . gzip off ...
PHPUnit output causing Zend_Session exceptions environment. I've already checked php.ini to verify that output_buffering is turned on and implicit_flush is turned off and they are...
PHP echo-ing content as page loads No it may be a setting in php. In you local server output_buffering is enabled in your php.ini file. You can disable it by setting.. in your php.ini file. You can disable it by setting output_buffering off To Ensure that the content is sent to the browser each time.. on You also can set the buffer size by giving output_buffering a value. output_buffering 4096 here the buffer size would be..
PHP flush stopped flushing in IIS7.5 to test the problem we have the following script @ini_set output_buffering Off @ini_set 'implicit_flush' 1 @ini_set 'zlib.output_compression'..
Headers already sent by PHP premature output is preferable. Nevertheless does the output_buffering setting help. Configure it in the php.ini or via .htaccess or..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR [duplicate] file you can find and change or add the following output_buffering On This will turn output buffering out without the need to call..