php Programming Glossary: os
Secure random number generation in PHP you can get a better grade of pseudorandom bits from the OS or system library like this php get 128 pseudorandom bits in..
User recognition without cookies or local storage HTML5 Geolocation API and Reverse Geocoding Architecture OS Language System Time Screen Resolution etc. Network Information..
How to check file types of uploaded files in PHP? and or change. And along with all of that each browser and OS deals with them differently. Another method is to check the..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? least effort approach. Note though that depending on your OS and version of libxml you wont get getElementById to work at..
Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in share improve this question For some reason mysql on OS X gets the locations of the required socket file a bit wrong..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise A pipe has an integral buffer and when this is full the OS suspends the sending program. So here Info ZIP the zip util.. sending program. So here Info ZIP the zip util provided on OS X easily apt got c. on linux operates in streaming mode and..
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? supported. We are talking about a time when non Unicode OS like Windows 98 Me was still current and when other big languages..
Detect exact OS version from browser exact OS version from browser I was ondering if there is a way I can.. I was ondering if there is a way I can detect the exact OS version from my browser using PHP JS ASP I know I can detect.. browser using PHP JS ASP I know I can detect the type of OS Windows XP Windows Vista OS X etc but I need to detect the exact..
Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP geo location Can the ISP time be an accurate guide Users OS clocks can vary or be modified by users Examples Countdown Only.. seconds to go Issue seconds to go based on what The user's OS clock the hosts server time plus or minus offset ISP system..
UTF8 Filenames in PHP and Different Unicode Encodings entering in the character via keyboard option e e on os x . Here is the result echo n é hexdump 0000000 cc65 0081 0000003.. for é . An utf 8 aware collation should be aware of the possible decompositions but I don't know how you can enable that.. 8 aware collation should be aware of the possible decompositions but I don't know how you can enable that and probably..
Upload and POST file to PHP page estensione strtolower substr _FILES 'file' 'name' strrpos _FILES 'file' 'name' . strlen _FILES 'file' 'name' strrpos _FILES.. _FILES 'file' 'name' . strlen _FILES 'file' 'name' strrpos _FILES 'file' 'name' . if in_array estensione array_estensioni_ammesse.. true httpUrlConnection.setRequestMethod POST OutputStream os httpUrlConnection.getOutputStream Thread.sleep 1000 BufferedInputStream..
Can I include code into a PHP class? error unexpected T_INCLUDE expecting T_FUNCTION What is possible though is this php MyClass.php class MyClass protected.. use inheritance but if your RegularCat and Lolkat is supposed to be able to do arbitrary meows then use the Strategy pattern... http developerworks library os php designptrns http PHP Design Patterns http..
Code to parse user agent string? that will chop it up and give me at least browser ver os. Know of a good snippet anywhere php parsing user agent string..
PHP Localization Question of problem to get it to work in different systems servers os etc . How would you handle this Is there a secure way to help.. solution to internationalization in contrast to the chaos that is gettext. The introduction to Zend_translate lists a.. lists a number of strong arguments why to choose it or something similar over gettext. In multilingual applications..
Can PHP tell if the server os it 64-bit? PHP tell if the server os it 64 bit I am dealing with Windows here. I know you can use.. and check for PHP_INT_SIZE 8 to see if you're on a 64bit os. If you just want to answer the 32bit 64bit question a sneaky..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device a mobile device to browse my site using PHP I have come across many classes that you can use but I was hoping for a simple.. kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo.. do c p o ds 12 d el 49 ai em l2 ul er ic k0 esl8 ez 4 7 0 os wa ze fetc fly _ g1 u g560 gene gf 5 g mo go .w od gr ad un..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise be zipped and provided to the client for download. The most obvious way to do this on LAMP is to create a temporary zip.. gzip is applied by modern web servers on the fly. Is it possible to achieve this using Apache PHP Aside are there better.. make sure to send all headers first Content Type is the most important one probably header 'Content Type application x gzip'..
How to get CPU usage and RAM usage without exec? source PHP script that displays information about the host being accessed. It will displays things like Uptime CPU Memory.. exec . Another way is to use Linfo . It is a very fast cross platform php script that describes the host server in extreme.. a very fast cross platform php script that describes the host server in extreme detail giving information such as ram usage..
Simple Smart Phone detection ' blackberry i' user_agent preg_match ' pre palm os palm hiptop avantgo plucker xiino blazer elaine i' user_agent.. o2 pocket kindle mobile psp treo i' user_agent strpos accept 'text vnd.wap.wml' 0 strpos accept 'application vnd.wap.xhtml.. treo i' user_agent strpos accept 'text vnd.wap.wml' 0 strpos accept 'application vnd.wap.xhtml xml' 0 isset _SERVER 'HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'..
Install PECL on Mac OS X 10.6 on Mac OS X 10.6 to be used with the bundled PHP php osx snow leopard pecl share improve this question Better late.. Pear and PECL http php setting up php mysql on os x 10 7 lion We need PEAR For some reason it's not set up ready..
How can I extract a password protected .zip file from within my PHP application? You can use this assuming your server has the right os echo shell_exec 'unzip P password' share improve..
http://localhost/ not working on Windows 7. What's the problem? localhost not working on Windows 7. What's the problem I have a big.. the problem I have a big problem opening http localhost on Windows 7 beta . I installed this os and everything went.. http localhost on Windows 7 beta . I installed this os and everything went great when I installed Wamp I saw that localhost..
How to get useful error messages in PHP?
$PHP_AUTOCONF errors on mac os x 10.7.3 when trying to install pecl extensions PHP_AUTOCONF errors on mac os x 10.7.3 when trying to install pecl extensions I am trying.. rerun this script. ERROR `phpize' failed php installation osx lion autoconf pecl share improve this question brew install..
how do i install php 5.4 on Mac OS X Lion? php 5.4.0 from and i want to upgrade it on mac os X lion. I also want to ask if anyone knows how to upgrade apache... to start LoadModule php5_module libexec php osx share improve this question I've blogged about how to upgrade.. path etc with libxml dir usr with openssl usr with kerberos usr with zlib usr enable bcmath with bz2 usr enable calendar..