php Programming Glossary: orientation
How to Integrate Blue Imp File Upload to CakePHP? orient_image file_path exif exif_read_data file_path orientation intval @ exif 'Orientation' if in_array orientation array 3.. orientation intval @ exif 'Orientation' if in_array orientation array 3 6 8 return false image @imagecreatefromjpeg file_path.. 8 return false image @imagecreatefromjpeg file_path switch orientation case 3 image @imagerotate image 180 0 break case 6 image @imagerotate..
Pre-declare all private/local variables? Take these rule with a grain of salt they are for general orientation you can easily modify from that so this is open to extend so..
What is a “real” programming language? [closed] programming fundamentals variables functions object orientation loops etc. . Our first task the teacher ran through ridiculously..
Fingerprint authentication for php web app from my php code. Is it right As you can see any paper orientation you could give me would be appreciated. php authentication..
How to detect shot angle of photo, and auto rotate for website display like desktop apps do on viewing? on viewing If I take a photo with a camera it stores the orientation angle of the apparatus so when I view the image on the PC with.. Rotates and mirrors and image properly based on current orientation value @param WideImage_Image img @param int orientation @return.. orientation value @param WideImage_Image img @param int orientation @return WideImage_Image function execute img orientation switch..
How to stop PHP iMagick auto-rotating images based on EXIF 'orientation' data to stop PHP iMagick auto rotating images based on EXIF 'orientation' data Currently working with PHP and iMagick to develop a poster.. I'd like to know is... How can I maintain the original orientation of the image seen at the top of the page And is this possible.. Here's the solution I've come up with... It will fix the orientation based on the orientation in the EXIF data public function fixOrientation..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? android http apk res android android orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
Tool for exporting html as pdf . This constructor can be passed three values namely page orientation portrait or landscape measure unit and page size A4 A5 etc...