php Programming Glossary: oscommerce
how to send array values through url in PHP? ids i want to use these id through url because this is the osCommerce needs it in which i am working in how can i do it Generally.. it in which i am working in how can i do it Generally osCommerce asks for the single product insertion which in turn gives me..
PHP framework for building e-commerce site? [closed] V1.4.9.1 My thoughts With systems like Magento and osCommerce there very bulky and poorly coded OpenCart is a MVC Style framework..
Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available? have been asked to fix a hacked site that was built using osCommerce on a production server. The site has always existed on the remote..
Automatically log into osCommerce via PHP, using cURL log into osCommerce via PHP using cURL I am working on an application which allow.. on an application which allow the customer to log into an osCommerce website to retrieve data. So far I have this script which works.. fine for few other websites like Wordpress but not for osCommerce. php ch curl_init Login here curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'http..