php Programming Glossary: origfile
How to password protect an uploaded pdf in PHP library used Protect PDF in PHP php function pdfEncrypt origFile password destFile include the FPDI protection http from the original document pagecount pdf setSourceFile origFile copy all pages from the old unprotected pdf in the new one for.. '' name of the original file unprotected origFile 'book.pdf' name of the destination file password protected and..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos 0 script from ID Security Suite function pdfEncrypt origFile password destFile require_once 'libraries fpdf FPDI_Protection.php'.. from the original document. pagecount pdf setSourceFile origFile Copy all pages from the old unprotected pdf in the new one... Ymd .md5 date Ymd Name of the original file unprotected . origFile docs invoices . _GET 'invoice_no' . .pdf Name of the destination..