php Programming Glossary: overall
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? your prepared statement object for multiple queries your overall execution may be slower. As a final recommendation I think with..
Converting words to numbers in PHP index qid 20090216103754AAONnDz for a nice algorithm Well overall you are doing two things Finding tokens words that translates..
Can I parameterize the table name in a prepared statement? db mysqli new_table Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement mysqli prepare INSERT INTO . new_table ... statment 'sssisss' Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement execute Is it possible to somehow replace.. db mysqli new_table Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement mysqli prepare INSERT INTO VALUES mysqli_stmt_bind_param..
How to create a secure mysql prepared statement in php? are suppose to increase speed as well. Will it increase overall speed if I only use a prepared statement three or four times..
the difference between unset and = null code that truly needs them sooner resulting in a longer overall execution time. Apparently this is the undisputed truth so maybe..
Is there any possible way to find the name of the country using IP with scripting language PHP? and Digital Envoy with Digital Envoy having the best overall solution. Edit In regard to one of the users comments about..
Which is fastest in PHP- MySQL or MySQLi? to reduce database hits are far more beneficial for overall performance of PHP scripts than the choice of MySQL extension...
isset() and empty() make code ugly some minor performance improvements to be gained and it's overall the cleaner way. However I don't like what inflicting hundreds..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP attempted Decide on certain delay thresholds based on the overall number of failed logins in a given amount of time 15 minutes..
Detect “overall average” color of the picture &ldquo overall average&rdquo color of the picture I have a picture jpg file.. I have a picture jpg file for example . I need to know overall average the color of the picture. I mean the prevailing color.. above at the top the original image at the bottom the overall average color which is associated with picture If you help me..
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? characters. This causes errors in PHP's json_encode and overall seems like a bad idea to have around. W3C I18N FAQ Multilingual..
How to insert an array into a single MySQL Prepared statement w/ PHP and PDO before that building a single dynamic sql statement is overall better than multiple calls like above. My first pass would be..
Back to previous page with header( “Location: ” ); in PHP work with secure pages HTTPS and it's a pretty bad idea overall as the header can be hijacked sending the user to some other..
What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null code that truly needs them sooner resulting in a longer overall execution time. Note that until php5.3 if you have two objects..
Running command-line application from PHP as specific user or to tell rhythmbox client which instance to control The overall application is that when my phone goes off hook it calls my..