php Programming Glossary: outcome
How foreach actually works each reset et al. during a foreach could affect the outcome of the loop php loops foreach iteration php internals share..
Matrix Combination Logic at asking this question Efficient way to determine the outcome of test matrix Would cartesian product be the best approach..
Soccer simulation for a game of algorithm is great although not perfect for a balanced outcome if users could create their own teams buy better players etc..
PHP Post data with Fsockopen 1 var_dump raw_data echo br br test 2 print_r _POST The outcome is HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Tue 02 Mar 2010 22 40 46 GMT Server..
Selecting only the first item of an xpath result set in PHP result set in PHP I am currently achieving the desired outcome with two PHP statements thisBlarg xmlResource xpath ' blarg..
Remove empty array elements I have also tried doing it with the empty function but the outcome is the same. Any help is appreciated thanks. php arrays null..
How to implement PubSubHubBub? check that s subscribe feed doesn't actually return the outcome of the susbcription as it would help. Good luck share improve..
MySQL or PHP is appending a  whenever the £ is used result mysql_query sql or die mysql_error if result outcome div id success Emails sent and database updated. div else outcome.. div id success Emails sent and database updated. div else outcome div id error Something went wrong div return outcome Example.. else outcome div id error Something went wrong div return outcome Example DB Entry id crm_number datacash_ref amount sales_date..
Add new row in MYSQL from Comma Separated text in textbox new row in one table after each word. Basically I want the outcome in the DB like this id category 1 Basketball 2 Tennis 3 Futbol..
PHP merge array(s) and delete double values reply's and good code. Its run the loop and pushes every outcome in a array. php query_posts 'post_type therapeut' therapeAr..
PHP brute force password generator and is being a pain. I hope you understand what I want the outcome to be. If not add a comment and I'll try and clarify. Basically..
Merge 2 Arrays and Sum the Values (Numeric Keys) arrays into one and add the values together so that the outcome will be Array 010156 gt Array supp_number gt TOTAL totalamount..
php $_GET and undefined index yours is meant to do in it's entirety. Is the expected outcome of an unexpected value in s meant to output no body tag or was..
Pinging an IP address using PHP and echoing the result function pingAddress ip pingresult exec bin ping n 3 ip outcome status if 0 status status alive else status dead echo The IP..
How to POST backbone model data to DB through Slim php and Paris I have is WHAT does it send And in what format The outcome I want is to save those donut attributes to my DB. I can pass..
How does the '&' symbol in PHP affect the outcome? does the ' ' symbol in PHP affect the outcome I've written and played around with alot of PHP function and.. ' ' symbol attached to a function or a variable affect the outcome For instance variable1 variable2 OR function usethisfunction..