php Programming Glossary: other's
Secure random number generation in PHP CAPICOM in your code though each will fail silently on the other's platform. Leave them both there so your code will be more portable...
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? had no success in getting the WebRTC peers to capture each other's video. At the moment when one client connects to the script..
Why do I need to use a popular framework? and posting tutorials If I'm hesitant to take on other's frameworks would opening it up and getting more eyes on it help..
PHP session doesn't work with IE
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX jQuery CRUD and simple chat system without referencing on other's work for I decided to test myself on how far I can do systems.. without JSON and XML yet . But when I decided to look at other's work hoping to get learn good practices and codes out there..
PHP mysql injection protection because of its importance I just want to double check with other's that this will function as I intend. foreach _REQUEST as key..