php Programming Glossary: jsonstring
Converting NSArray -> JSON -> NSData -> PHP server ->JSON representation options NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error error NSString jsonString NSString alloc initWithData jsonData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setPostValue jsonString forKey @ songs request setDelegate self request startAsynchronous..
Saving JSON string to MySQL database from an HTTP GET or HTTP POST variable called jsonGiven... jsonString _REQUEST 'jsonGiven' but for the sake of an example let's just.. for the sake of an example let's just set the string here jsonString ' name jack school colorado state city NJ id null ' use json_decode.. to create an array from json jsonArray json_decode jsonString true create a prepared statement if stmt mysqli prepare 'INSERT..
Get data from url in android extends Activity AsyncTask Void Void Void mTask String jsonString String url https 1 statuses user_timeline.json.. protected Void doInBackground Void... params try jsonString getJsonFromServer url catch IOException e TODO Auto generated.. Void result super.onPostExecute result tv.setText jsonString b.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick..
ASIHTTPRequest post json to php server an empty php array instead of the json data. NSString jsonString self.tableDataSource JSONRepresentation NSURL url NSURL URLWithString.. Type value @ application json request appendPostData jsonString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request startSynchronous..
json_decode to custom class array this that what who how dy multi array more stuff jsonString json_encode data Here's the sweetness. class new JSONObject..
Send array with Ajax to PHP script Encode your data string into JSON. dataString array var jsonString JSON.stringify dataString .ajax type POST url script.php data.. dataString .ajax type POST url script.php data data jsonString cache false success function alert OK In your PHP data json_decode..