php Programming Glossary: jumping
How foreach actually works
Whats the easiest way to determine is a user in online? (PHP/MYSQL) like to know they are still active even when they're not jumping from page to page include a bit of javascript to ping your server..
PHP strtotime +1 month adding an extra month [duplicate] I'm getting 2013 03 instead. I can't figure out why it's jumping to March. php date strtotime share improve this question.. php date strtotime share improve this question It's jumping to March because today is 29th Jan and adding a month gives..
How do I convert Word smart quotes and em dashes in a string? This sounds like a Unicode issue. Joel Spolsky has a good jumping off point on the topic http articles..
Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`? separation of view from model and controller. When jumping in and out of php tags in your view it's easy to get lazy and..
How to create and use nonces your own it's pretty simple. Using the WikiPedia page as a jumping off point In pseudo code On the server side you need two client..
__callStatic(), call_user_func_array(), references, and PHP 5.3.1 and that you won't be able to do this without enough hoop jumping to make it a bit sticker syntax wise. share improve this answer..
WAMP Stack PHP “Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found” are used. I drop there system onto my server and a bit of jumping around to set it up get it setup start plugging away at things..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game that don't follow reasonable score curves for instance jumping from 0 to 999999 . Snapshot game state during game play for..
How can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files? is predominately a joy code completion templates method jumping etc. However one thing that drives me crazy is that I can't..