php Programming Glossary: jqgrid
Highlight row when the checkbox is true when the checkbox is true Can Some one help me I have a jqgrid and I want to highlight the row if the checkbox is true thanks.. How could I do this Can someone help me php javascript jqgrid jqgrid php share improve this question I described in the.. could I do this Can someone help me php javascript jqgrid jqgrid php share improve this question I described in the answer..
Sending additional variable to server with dataUrl type 'POST' action function return 'popCodeAdjust' php jqgrid share improve this question In general you can use data..
php + jqgrid + export to excel jqgrid export to excel Somebody knows a way to export the data from.. to excel Somebody knows a way to export the data from a jqgrid to excel I want to do a report using this jqgrid that i think.. from a jqgrid to excel I want to do a report using this jqgrid that i think is awsome. But i need to save or print this report..
jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty JSON data renders table as empty I'm trying to create a jqgrid but the table is empty. The table renders but the data doesn't.. will help I can post it too. php javascript jquery json jqgrid share improve this question I got it to work The dataType..
JqGrid Reload not working true Please if someone could assist me ... Thanks php jqgrid share improve this question Both jqGrids has parameters..
JQuery jQGrid expand /collapse grid on caption layer click far positioned . Thank you. php javascript jquery html jqgrid share improve this question You can use construct like .ui.. improve this question You can use construct like .ui jqgrid titlebar close list 0 .grid.cDiv .click You can see live demo.. instead of default right position You can do this with .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid titlebar close position relative top auto margin..
implement jqgrid cell edit datepicker jqgrid cell edit datepicker I know that cell editing with datepicker.. 'clientArray' Also I'm using jqGrid 4.0.0 php jqgrid share improve this question I had the same problem with..
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query Strip _REQUEST tempid else rowid php jquery parameters jqgrid share improve this question If I correct understand your.. product from . In the case you should use tag jqgrid php . jqGrid is pure JavaScript open source product. So I answer..
having trouble with jqgrid dataUrl function code segment trouble with jqgrid dataUrl function code segment I need to have the currently.. editurl 'php workordertab script.php' php json jqgrid share improve this question The property dataUrl can't be..
Jqgrid custom format use bracket() if negatif value bracket ex show 23 if value was 23 thanks php javascript jqgrid share improve this question You can use custom formatter..
Highlight row when the checkbox is true is what i want to make in this project... function loadjqGrid jsonGridData var xaxis 1300 var yaxis document .height yaxis.. document .height yaxis yaxis 500 getGrids #maingrid .jqGrid url 'models mod.quoservicetypedetails.php ACTION view' mtype.. how you can implement the highlighting. Version 4.3.2 of jqGrid has new feature rowattr callback see my original suggestion..
Sending additional variable to server with dataUrl etc in WCF method in the case. In jqGrid 4.4.2 or higher see the answer my pull request and the fix you..
jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty with JSON data renders table as empty I'm trying to create.. 0 The javascript configuration looks like so # tableId .jqGrid url 'getAwards.php id ' classId dataType 'json' mtype 'POST'.. 30 50 caption 'Awards' viewrecords true imgpath 'scripts jqGrid themes green images' jsonReader root rows page page total total..
Any good PHP MySQL-compatible reporting frameworks out there? I also found a commerically licensed jQuery plugin called jqGrid from Trirand. It's a bit out of my price range at 599 for a..
implement jqgrid cell edit datepicker it as an array then json_encode it to be passed back to jqGrid. PHP's json_encode creates valid JSON so all keys are quoted.. quoted as strings. Must I remove the quotes in order for jqGrid to work properly If so how The colModel entry for a date column.. colM result.colModelList var colD result.colDataList grid.jqGrid datatype 'local' colNames colN column names colModel colM column..
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query setSelect function with parametrized query I'm using jqGrid.. setSelect function with parametrized query I'm using jqGrid on edit add function I want to have a drop down list in one.. above worked while having if isset _REQUEST tempid rowid jqGridUtils Strip _REQUEST tempid else rowid php jquery parameters..