php Programming Glossary: justify
How do you build a web based email client using PHP? DO It's in my opinion probably the only reason that would justify working on this btw Anyway good luck And or have fun share..
Apache vs. IIS PHP performance comparison to use PHP with FastCGI.. looks pretty good. Just need to justify it or find a compelling reason to reject the big cuddly MS monster..
Hosted Continuous Integration for PHP? [closed] guess there is not enough demand for CI on the PHP side to justify hosted services to support it off the shelf. php continuous..
sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder Sender Score Certified its very unlikely that i can justify the cost of this when considering the low volume and purpose..
How to persist objects between requests in PHP that you have persistent connections in PHP already . To justify large set up time what if I'm using PHP reflection to check..
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption to prepare a commercial EULA. edit If this project can't justify the expense of a lawyer check out these resources EULA advice..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? 100K SLOC in our experience the economics simply don't justify it. Nobody likes this answer but if you really have to translate..
PHP DateTime::modify adding and subtracting months above example will output 2001 01 31 2001 03 03 Can anyone justify why this isn't considered a bug Furthermore does anyone have..
How insecure is a salted SHA1 compared to a salted SHA512 words if you use SHA 1 then you will probably have to justify yourselves. Even if you do nothing wrong your choice of SHA..
Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`? you see from your own examples it got too complicated to justify being used in this way most of the time so good practice moved..
Why should I fix E_NOTICE errors? those problems. Does anyone else have any reasons to justify the extra time cost spent to correct these problems More specifically..
When is it good to use pass by reference in PHP? because the performance impact can not be that big as to justify the loss of transparency in your code. share improve this..
How to determine the size of an image without downloading it (in full)? the entire file. Anyhow I'm not sure the benefits will justify the time you spend on this. 200k is nothing nowadays. share..