php Programming Glossary: jsmin
How to minify JS in PHP easily…Or something else around but I'm still confused a bit. I tried Crockford's JSMin but Win XP can't unzip the executable file for some reason... this question I have used a PHP implementation of JSMin by Douglas Crockford for quite some time. It can be a little.. read_file 'scripts_template.min.js' else output JSMin minify file_get_contents 'scripts_template.js' file_put_contents..
PHP auto minify. Is there any? glob path to js merge .js js foreach files as file js . JSMin minify file_get_contents file file_put_contents path to js combined.js..
Combining and Compressing multiple JavaScript files in php 1.1.1.php' Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js' You may easily join several.. 1.1.1.php' Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js' . file_get_contents 'example2.js'..