php Programming Glossary: json
json_encode is returning NULL? is returning NULL For some reason the item description.. array while row mysql_fetch_assoc result rows row echo json_encode rows Here is the schema for my database CREATE TABLE.. appurl http Any ideas php json null json encode share improve this question I bet you are..
Correct content type HTTP header for JSON [duplicate] for JSON file loaded with PHP. header 'Content type text json' header 'Content type application json' Which one should be.. 'Content type text json' header 'Content type application json' Which one should be used php json http headers content type.. type application json' Which one should be used php json http headers content type share improve this question AFIK..
Facebook Graph API, how to get users email? but how do I access that info This is what I have so far json facebook api ' me' first json 'first_name' gets first name last.. This is what I have so far json facebook api ' me' first json 'first_name' gets first name last json 'last_name' php json.. api ' me' first json 'first_name' gets first name last json 'last_name' php json facebook facebook graph api share improve..
JSON encode MySQL results I just apply it to the entire results object php mysql json share improve this question sth mysql_query SELECT ... rows..
Parsing JSON file with PHP PHP so far php string file_get_contents home michael test.json json_a json_decode string true echo json_a 'John' status echo.. so far php string file_get_contents home michael test.json json_a json_decode string true echo json_a 'John' status echo json_a.. php string file_get_contents home michael test.json json_a json_decode string true echo json_a 'John' status echo json_a 'Jennifer'..
Why would one omit the close tag? the most recent versions. This is because an AJAX response json include contains something that it shouldn't contain because..
json_decode returns NULL after webservice call returns NULL after webservice call There is a strange.. after webservice call There is a strange behaviour with json_encode and json_decode and I can't find a solution My php application.. call There is a strange behaviour with json_encode and json_decode and I can't find a solution My php application calls..
Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize) method to store PHP arrays json_encode vs serialize I need to store a multi dimensional associative.. around and it seems that in the newest versions of PHP 5.3 json_decode is actually faster than unserialize . I'm currently leaning.. in advance for any assistance. php performance arrays json serialization share improve this question Depends on your..
How to post JSON to PHP with curl ' http localhost 3570 index.php trainingServer screencast.json The slash in there is just to make me not look like an idiot.. http multipart form data anyway. Also use application json as content type when posting your request. share improve this..
Correct content type HTTP header for JSON [duplicate] content type HTTP header for JSON duplicate This question already has an answer here What is.. question already has an answer here What is the correct JSON content type 23 answers I've searched around and found.. and found two different ways to define Content type for JSON file loaded with PHP. header 'Content type text json' header..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? would better be done checking if the file contains a valid JSON response and or keeping a running total of requests per minute..
JSON encode MySQL results encode MySQL results How do I use the JSON_encode function.. encode MySQL results How do I use the JSON_encode function with mysql query results do I need to iterate..
How should a model be structured in MVC? could be able to store and retrieve information from XML JSON files or some external REST API... It doesn't matter. You just..
json_decode returns NULL after webservice call fails. The string in its given form is not correctly a JSON formated structure see RFC 4627 share improve this answer..
What are the best practices for avoiding xss attacks in a PHP site
Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize) I might occasionally come across the need to convert it to JSON for use in my web app but the vast majority of the time I will.. in PHP. Would it be more efficient to store the array as JSON or as a PHP serialized array in this text file I've looked around.. . I'm currently leaning towards storing the array as JSON as I feel its easier to read by a human if necessary it can..
How to post JSON to PHP with curl to post JSON to PHP with curl I may be way off base but I've been trying..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation by calling _oauthRequest directly since response isn't JSON format. access_token_response this _oauthRequest this getUrl..
How do I share content from a Facebook Page Tab's internal page? not the right way to pass variable in url you need to pass Json like object in app_data like this https pages.. the app_data in signed request once you parse app_data as Json object you can access app_data Redirect_Page . share improve..
How to call php script via Json and return array of days to be disable on the Datepicker to call php script via Json and return array of days to be disable on the Datepicker In..
What's better: Json or XML (PHP) [closed] better Json or XML PHP closed I'm manipulating few data with PHP I have.. manipulating few data with PHP I have the choice between Json and XML. But I don't know what to choose I never worked with.. if there's good classes that can make parsing XML or Json easier. I focus mainly on ease of use rather than speed and..
Import JSON file into MYSQL database with php Invalid argument supplied for foreach in .php on line 31 Json file data name name freiend 1 id friend id 1 name name freiend..
Json Menu Structure from MySQL Menu Structure from MySQL I have been going round and round..
Complicated nested array issue a force directed graph in javascript. Here is what the Json array should be like. However nodes can have mulitiple adjacencies.. a json that only allows one adjacencies How can I setup a Json query that will adjust the the number of adjacencies a node..
PHP convert XML to JSON group when there is one child PHP 5.4 version right now has json_encode function and the JsonSerializable interface as well as iterator_to_array . Even if.. . So first of all let's just create our own Json encoder class XML2Json extends SimpleXMLElement Wow. That was.. of all let's just create our own Json encoder class XML2Json extends SimpleXMLElement Wow. That was dead simple. Let's check..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php position Gson gson new Gson list.put gson.toJson expressionList.get position Log.d TAG JSONArray list coy.. End Http Request Response Object of the Json Parser Class JSONParser mJsonParser new JSONParser DataUrl JSONObject.. Object of the Json Parser Class JSONParser mJsonParser new JSONParser DataUrl JSONObject mJsonObject_Request..
ajax and php to enter multiple forms input to database right direction. I have looked around and from what I see Json may be a solution but I know nothing about it and reading up..
php/Ajax - Best practice for pre-loading images there could be upto 1000 3 Load 10 images via php into a Json or other file and load all 10 images into the browser hiding..
How to decode Unicode escape sequences like “\u00ed” to proper UTF-8 encoded characters? str In case it's UTF 16 based C C Java Json style preg_replace_callback ' u 0 9a fA Z 4 ' function v v strtr..
Cyrillic characters in PHP's json_encode svn framework standard trunk library Zend Json Decoder.php Take a look at the function decodeUnicodeString.. @link http core trunk Solar Json.php @param string value @return string public static function..
How to access particular fields from JSON content by using php? using php i want to get the values of different fields in Json by using php php json share improve this question json_decode.. string json_encode myObject here's how you get the value myJsonDecodedObject json_decode string value myJsonDecodedObject att1..
json_decode to array to array I am trying to decode Json into an array but i get the following error. Fatal error Cannot..
Convert invalid json into valid json preOpen 900 preClose 908 ... UPDATE If you have an invalid Json String you can convert it with following script sInvalidJson.. String you can convert it with following script sInvalidJson ' preOpen 900 preClose 908 ' sValidJson preg_replace n t ^ t.. script sInvalidJson ' preOpen 900 preClose 908 ' sValidJson preg_replace n t ^ t 1 2 sInvalidJson Also see this example..
PHP JSON or Array to XML and this documentation should help you too Regarding Json to Array you can use json_decode to do the same share improve..