php Programming Glossary: json.tostring
NullPointerException by parsing JSON at the line with the code Log.d Login attempt json.toString I am using WAMP server and I already save my php file under.. POST params full json response Log.d Login attempt json.toString json success element success json.getInt TAG_SUCCESS if success.. json.getInt TAG_SUCCESS if success 1 Log.d User created json.toString finish return json.getString TAG_MESSAGE else Log.d Login..
android/php record not inserting into mysql check log cat from response Log.d Create Response json.toString PHP php Following code will create a new product row All product..
Android JSON to PHP Server and back HttpPost path json.put service GOOGLE Log.i jason Object json.toString post.setHeader json json.toString StringEntity se new StringEntity.. Log.i jason Object json.toString post.setHeader json json.toString StringEntity se new StringEntity json.toString se.setContentEncoding.. json json.toString StringEntity se new StringEntity json.toString se.setContentEncoding new BasicHeader HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE application..
Sending Data From Android To Server with JSON data new JSONArray postjson.put json httppost.setHeader json json.toString httppost.getParams .setParameter jsonpost postjson System.out.print..