php Programming Glossary: json_force_object
Problem with json_encode() array a b c json_encode array a b c json_encode array JSON_FORCE_OBJECT 0 a 1 b 2 c The reason why JSON_FORCE_OBJECT foces it to use.. array JSON_FORCE_OBJECT 0 a 1 b 2 c The reason why JSON_FORCE_OBJECT foces it to use 0 1 2 is because to assign data to obeject you..
PHP: need json_encode() 5.3 functionality in 5.2 is using php 5.2.5 and i desperately need to use the JSON_FORCE_OBJECT option with json_encode that came with 5.3. Does anyone know.. output echo json_encode array 0 1 2 echo json_encode array JSON_FORCE_OBJECT 0 1 1 2 2 3 You might also try this solution from another thread...
Create JSON-object the correct way to force json_encode to encode as object by passing the JSON_FORCE_OBJECT constant. post_data json_encode array 'item' post_data JSON_FORCE_OBJECT.. constant. post_data json_encode array 'item' post_data JSON_FORCE_OBJECT brackets specify an object and are used for arrays according..
JSON.parse: unexpected character ' codcli ' v data selectassocSql sql echo json_encode v JSON_FORCE_OBJECT And the javascript code is this '#formclientes' .submit function..